Sydney wanderings
Got up early today. Ran some errands. Went to the art museum, where the coat check girl yelled at me for wanting to check my bag. So that sucked (I’ve found Sydney to be like Italy. The only qualification you need to work in customer service is a contempt for those you deal with). The museum was pretty second rate. Some of the modern stuff was interesting, but overall it wasn’t very good. They did have one nice painting of Milford sound in New Zealand. (Speaking of which, now I’m leaning towards temping. I got the name of the CC branch manager of the temp agency, so I’m going to call him first thing tomorrow to ask about the work there). Then I wandered down to the Australian museum. It was in the process of renovations (like the CalAcademy) but what was on display was good. They had a good display on Aussie birds and spiders, and a cool skeleton gallery, which included a domestic scene of man, dog, cat, bird, and rat, and a person on a horse. They also had a good cultural gallery on Aboriginal people, focusing on what its like to be Aboriginal today.
The weather has been pretty yucky all day. I hope it clears up a bit tomorrow for the zoo. I bought my ticket for Harry Potter – first showing Wednesday morning; yes I am a geek. It’ll still be before the first showings in Europe and America. Ha ha!
I’m reading a new book by Nevada Barr. It won the Agatha and is okay so far. Its about an environmentalist who abandons New York to become a park ranger and is trying to save Mountain lions.
Have to go book a hostel in Cairns and figure out what I’m doing up there. I’ve heard the only way to get to Cape Trib. is by tour, which seems wrong to me. Hopefully I can at least do Port Douglas on my own. I think I’m pretty ready to get out of Sydney and get up to the Reef and the Rainforest. Yes, the harbour is lovely, but overall I haven’t been very impressed by Sydney. Which is weird – I tend to love cities. I really loved Dublin (though Kristl said I wouldn’t), I loved London, I love New York and would seriously consider moving back there were it not in the NINETIES right now (yech). I’m not sure what it is about Sydney, but I’m just not a huge fan. I really liked Perth and Melbourne.
There’s an interesting article on Patti LuPone here:
Current music: Silver and Cold, Days of the phoenix – AFI, Awful – Hole, Joan Jett
Tags: Travel