BootsnAll Travel Network

I hate fed ex. I will never, EVER use them again

I believe I have called FedEx about 20 times today. The long and the short of it is; I won’t be getting it before Monday. Because, despite the fact that I submitted the form (that wasn’t given to me until 3 days after I started dealing with fedex customs) 24 hours ago, the second department it went to has not yet processed it. It’s now 1:30 which is the last delivery for chch until Monday.

I finally got a member of fedex customs on the phone (which took about 12 tries – even customer service couldn’t get through to them), and he is personally going over to the 2nd department to get the form processed. THEN they’re submitting it to NEW ZEALAND CUSTOMS. Yup – I’ve just been dealing with fed ex customs all week. Incompetent wankers. Nice, but supremely incompetent. So – say fedex clears it in the next hour. Then if official customs decides to clear it this afternoon, they’ll arrange for a saturday delivery. Who wants to bet on the chances to customs clearing it in 3 hours. Anybody?

So there goes having my weekend free to process all the work I need to do on my laptop. And this delay has cost me about an extra $40 in internet cafe charges. Not to mention all the stuff I REALLY NEED TO DO ON MY LAPTOP AND NOW CAN’T. And there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.


4 responses to “I hate fed ex. I will never, EVER use them again”

  1. Karen says:

    I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

    But what the F**K were you doing, robbing your own house?!?!?

    Oh, no! I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

    OK, went a little far afield there, but every time I say “I’m sorry”, I begin to channel Kevin Kline…

  2. admin says:

    Well, it certainly isn’t your fault that fedex is incompetent! There’s no reason for you to apologize.

    Still – that is one of the funnier scenes, ever.

  3. Megan says:

    My husband has been working for Fedex for the past 5 years, dont believe what you hear about fedex being this great job. It is the farthest from GREAT. He has to fight for a vacation day-he hasnt taken one in 3 years- the last one he took he almost lost his job over it. They dont take out taxes you owe every year, its straight cash that is the only reason why it seems like you make so much, you have no medical the only way you can get medical is if you pay for it on your own. This is a multi-millionare dollar company and they cant even offer medical or take out taxes and its NOT union-does something sound wrong here? The only people who are doing great are the managers because they sit in the A/C all day while you have drivers passing out/puking on the side of the road. Things need to change about this company!!

  4. admin says:

    Yikes! I am so, so sorry to hear that. I’ve never really had a customer problem with fedex until this; but considering the amazing number of problems I had here, I will definitely only use other shipping companies in the future. Maybe if they lose enough business, fedex will change the way they work.