BootsnAll Travel Network

Feeling the home-town pride

Awww… so I read More Tales of the City yesterday and it was wonderful. Now – I know this entry is going to sound like I’m homewick, but I’m really not. I am really enjoying Christchurch (it was gorgeous out yesterday and I walked along the Avon) and I am constantly thankful for being able to travel and live in other places. But while travel does give you the chance to see and experience new things, it can also highlight what is best about home (like… racial diversity – although at least New Zealand is better than Ireland for that).

Anyhoo – I read Michael’s letter to mama (you can too, here) and, aside from it being totally lovely, I could swear I’d heard it before. Maybe every San Franciscan just knows it by heart? Anyways, I really liked this bit, “I know this may be hard for you to believe, but San Francisco is full of men and women, both straight and gay, who don’t consider sexuality in measuring the worth of another human being. These aren’t radicals or weirdos, Mama. They are shop clerks and bankers and little old ladies and people who nod and smile to you when you meet them on the bus. Their attitude is neither patronizing nor pitying. And their message is so simple: Yes, you are a person. Yes, I like you. Yes, it’s all right for you to like me, too.”

I also really liked DeDe’s comment about San Francisco being the end of the rainbow and if you grew up there, really, where are you going to go to after that?

In that spirit, I bring you some fun stuff from a California facebook group (i.e. you know you’re from California if – some new ones I hadn’t heard before):

You know what real cheese taste like.

You don’t get snowdays off because theres only snow in Mammoth, Tahoe, Shasta, and Big Bear.

Our governor can kick your governors ass.

You go to the Beach – not “down to the shore.”

You can get fresh and REAL Mexican food 24 hours a day.

We have In-N-Out (Arizona and Vegas are lucky we share that with them).
Your sense of direction=Toward the ocean and away from the ocean.

The primary bugs that you worry about are electronic.

It’s barely sprinkling rain and there’s a report on every news station: “STORM WATCH”

You don’t care what race people are because you’re too busy wondering what gender they are.

Unlike back home, the guy at 8:30 am at Starbucks wearing the baseball cap and sunglasses who looks like George Clooney IS George Clooney.

The normal symbols on restrooms mean “people wearing pants” and “people wearing skirts”.

You know which restaurant serves the freshest arugula.

You know how to eat an artichoke

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from California.

And one of my fave e-mail chains ever (I’ve probably posted it before), You know you’re from San Francisco if;

You’ve been carrying on an affair of “intense eye-contact” for two years with a person who rides home on the same bus and gets off one stop before you. You do not know their name.
You bitch constantly about how hard it is to meet people in the city.
You take a bus and are shocked that 2 people are carrying on a conversation in English.
Someone says TENDERLOIN – you don’t think of steak.
You never bother looking at the MUNI line schedule because you know the drivers have never seen it.
A really great parking space can move you to tears.
You know that anyone wearing shorts in July must be visiting from Ohio.
You were born somewhere else.
You assume every company offers domestic partner benefits.
You experience “commitment issues” when deciding who to hang out with next weekend.
You feel prudish for never having had a threesome. . .
You’re tan in spring and fall, pale in summer.
You’d like to spend more time exploring Berkeley, but its just so damn far away.
You found your current aparment, car, couch, running pals, bookgroup, girlfriend/boyfriend, and booty call all on Craigslist.
Your boss runs in “The Bay to Breakers”….and it’s not the first time you have seen him/her nude.
You are thinking of taking an adult class but you can’t decide between yoga, aroma therapy, conversational Mandarin or a building your own web site class.
You haven’t been to Fisherman’s Wharf since the first month you moved to SF and you couldn’t figure out how to drive to Coit Tower if your life depended on it.
Left is right and right is wrong.
Your monthly house payments exceed your annual income.
You dive under a desk whenever a large truck goes by.
You can’t find your other earring because your son is wearing it.
Your family tree contains “significant others.”
Your cat has its own psychiatrist.
Smoking in your office is not optional.
You pack shorts and a T-shirt for skiing in the snow, and a sweater and a wetsuit for the beach.
Rainstorms or thunder are the lead story for the local news.
Gas costs $1.00 per gallon more than anywhere else in the US
A man gets on the bus in full leather regalia and crotchless chaps. You don’t even notice.
Your car insurance costs as much as your house payment.
You give a “thumbs up” gesture to a car with a “Free Tibet” bumper sticker – and you mean it.
When you drive under an underpass – for one moment you think “earthquake”.
You realize the only Republicans you know are your Aunt and Uncle in Texas.
You realize there are far more Rainbow flags in the city than California State Flags.
Your church elects a new Bishop who abandoned his family and two young daughters to fulfill his sexual urges with another man.
Your co-worker tells you she/he has 8 body piercings but none are visible. You make over $100,000 and still can’t afford a house.
You can’t remember … is pot illegal? You’ve been to more than one baby shower that has two mothers and a sperm donor.

You have a very strong opinion where your coffee beans are grown and can taste the difference between Sumatra and Ethiopian

You know that any woman with a George Clooney haircut is not a tourist.

You keep a list of companies to boycott. (ummm… I don’t do this. At all.)

Your hairdresser is straight, your plumber is gay, the woman who delivers your mail is straight and your Mary Kay Lady is a guy in drag.

Your child’s 3rd grade teacher has two pierced ears, a nose ring and is named “Breeze.” And, after telling that to a friend, they still need to ask if the teacher is male or female.

You’ve lived in the Marina for three and a half years and you’ve been to the Mission once for drinks. You’re main impression is that it’s “dirty”. You won’t go back.
You’ve lived in the Mission for three and a half years and you’ve never been to the Marina.
You consider “Tom Kha Gai” a staple food. You consider hamburgers a “rare treat”.
Through years of practice, you have perfected the art of the helpless looking “sorry, i’m broke” shrug that you use when someone asks you for change.
You wear foam trucker caps and cowboy hats out regularly in San Francisco, but you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing one in Stockton.
At any given time, you are carrying three or more tiny electronic devices, some of which emit noises and/or buzzing at different frequencies, and all of which “simplify” your life.
You fight to resist the urge to stab someone who calls it Frisco.
A woman gets on MUNI with live poultry. You don’t notice. (This happened to Ross!)


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