BootsnAll Travel Network

And they’re off……. (1/21/06)

We have arrived at the first destination on our 8-mo world tour. We couldn’t have asked for an easier beginning. Hong Kong is great. Quick customs, simple transportation, lots of English speakers, and (keeping us in our element) rain like Seattle. After an arduous (14hr) yet extremely smooth flight on Cathay Pacific (2005 Airline of the Year), we slipped onto the public train and made it to our hotel in a breeze. Thanks to Russ (sister’s fiance) we are staying in a nice starter hotel, the Salisbury. Everyone should do this to ease themselves onto the road. In attempting to acclimate to new cultures, timezones, and travelling partners…. a comfortable, no-hassle hotel is hands-down the best choice even if it costs a little more.

We can’t upload pics on this internet connection so you will have to mentally picture our first day in HKG. We got some needed sleep, a needed coffee….and headed to HK Island across the way from our hotel (Kowloon Island). We had a great time walking thru the streets of old HK and window-shopping (the only kind we can do on this trip). We had our first taste of real Chinese food for lunch and learned a little Cantonese as well. I won’t attempt to spell Happy New Year in Chinese but I can say it. We are going to catch a laser light show over the harbour tonight and then hit the sack as the jet lag is kicking our ass. We are hopeful to make it to mainland China tomorrow (Yangshuo via Guangzhou) and then back in a week to celebrate the New Year (Year of the Dog)with the Hong Kongers.

We hope to entertain you all with our postings and pictures. Please forgive us if we aren’t as witty as normal ….. the 14hr (up for 25 hours straight) jetlag is taking me down as I’m typing. Thanks to both MOMs for their recent posts. We are so happy to see they are so technologically-inclined. We hope to hear from all of you soon……

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11 responses to “And they’re off……. (1/21/06)”

  1. B's Mom says:

    Hi you two,

    I was so glad to get up this morning and see your posting from Hong Kong. See Jeff..all I really need is a post a week to keep me happy. Sounds like smooth sailing..or flying and walking so far. Everyone here is getting ready for the big game tomorrow. Go Seahawks!!! A little rain today in Seattle but supposed to be sun for the big game. Hope your trip to the mainland goes well. Enjoy.


  2. B's Mom says:

    Sorry…one more thing. Vince reminded me to let both of you know that LW boys are 13-0 and 7-0 in their league! All for now.

  3. Z's Mom says:

    can you believe that our comcast service decided to go on the fritz when you two are about to send us a posting from HK?I was so upset.So glad all is well and that trip over and the first hotel was great. Have fun on your extra day and enjoy mainland China….have fun…glad about the internet connection you found…i want to hear about the lazer show…that sounds COOL!
    Love, Mom oxoxoxox

  4. Amy says:

    Just wanted to say hi and have a great time, sounds like you are off to a great start, what fun! Can’t wait to hear all about it when you get back. And hi to Gerry, Judy and Jeni, it has been a long time!!! This Blog is great!

  5. Amanda Hugandkiss says:

    So happy to hear the trip is a breeze so far! At the moment I am watching the Steelers hand it to the Broncos and getting ready to watch the Hawks do the same to the Panthers! Just wanted to let you both know that had such a good time with you before you left…can’t wait until you are here for good. I have been living in the CUBS tee…makes me feel like you both aren’t so far away. Since the Andrew’s are a teary bunch…I better go…Kathryn doesn’t want tears on her computer. Annie, Quinn, Kathryn and Mandy say hello and be safe. Love you both…Jeff you better get your with back quick…I am relying on this blog for my Zanatta humor!
    Love you both, Sistor A.

  6. Luke says:

    JZ and BZ-

    I have been enjoying the Hawks slaugher of the Panthers today (27-7 right now). I hope you can find a good spot to see your team in the Super Bowl (one thing that I have never been able to see the Lions do).

    Sorry we didn’t get to talk live before you took off, it sounds like you were super busy. Glad to hear all is well and that you are having a great time. Miss you in Chicago and will keep checking in on the Blog.

    Go Hawks,

  7. B's Mom says:

    Two Minuets…..We are going to the Super Bowl!!! Go Hawks! Surprising to everyone around the country except for those of us here in the Great Northwest. The Hawks defense and offense did nothing but shine today. We are proud. See if you can find a place to see them play. What a day….We are opening our champagne!

    Love you both,

    Mom and Vince

  8. Dad Z says:

    Outstanding WIN…the HAWKS are in the SuperBowl.
    HassekBeck 20/28 219 yds 2 TD
    Shaun 132 yds, 2 TD
    Darrell Jackson 6 catchs 75 yds 1 TD
    Offense line, Defense line unbelievable

    You should be able to hear the noise in China, 12th man is loud.

    Take care, all our love
    Mom and Dad

  9. Lisa (Sacco) Swendsen says:

    Hi Becca and Jeff,
    Amy Seelhoff passed me the address to your blog and I was so happy to be able to see what you guys are doing! How amazing! It has been so long since I have seen or spoked to either of you, but it was so nice to look through your blog and catch up a bit! Please say hello to both of your parents and siblings for me. I will continue to check your blog and follow you two on the journey of a lifetime! Have a blast!!!

  10. Marilyn says:

    Hi you two,
    So glad that you made it to the first destination safe and sound. As everyone else has said, you aren’t missing good weather. Have been back to Guemes to see the property and will sign final acceptance papers today. Now, let’s hope that the granite on the property doesn’t get in the way of the house. Oh maybe we could use the chips from the granite for a counter top!!!
    Off to Vegas where I will bet good $$$ on the Hawks, knowing full well that I will win BIG BUCKS!! Mayber I will throw in a little bet on my Beavs. Take good care.
    Love both of you bunches, Marilyn

  11. G says:


  12. Suz says:

    Bec and Jeff:
    Glad your start went so smoothly–enjoy HK!
    We are rooting for “your” Seahawks in the Super Bowl!
    Rich, Will and Kiwi send their love and good wishes!

  13. Linda says:

    Xiang Nian Quai Le! Happy New Year (in Mandarin, not Chinese).

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