We Love Uzbekistan!! (1/16/06)
Monday, January 16th, 2006Our passports have arrived!!! For those of you who have spoken with us recently you’ve heard us bemoaning the Visa process and worrying that we might have to postpone our trip. Well, the passports came via FedEx this morning. THANK YOU UZBEK CONSULATE!!! They even covered the extra cost of Priority Overnight. This should reduce our stress levels tremendously. Now all we have to do is find our way to the airport.
Jeff’s parents threw a little Going-Away party at their place….We had a blast celebrating our upcoming adventure with a small group of friends and family. Thanks Mom and Dad and to everyone who joined us!!
Alright…back to the trip. We are leaving for Hong Kong on Thursday and 99.9% prepared (although only 50% mentally prepared..HAHA). Many of you have asked about our supplies, clothes, etc. so we laid everything out for you to see what we have for the next eight months. Yea, we know not a lot of stuff, but it’s not like you can plan an outfit-per-day for eight months. Instead we found three shirts, three or four pants, and a few tshirts that we really like. As we continue our journey we will let you know how this philosophy is working out. We (especially picky Jeff) can imagine there are going to be some items we love and others we wish we left at home.
Well, we have quite a few little things to wrap up, so wish us luck and stay tuned for last minute freaking out!!!