Wreck Certified
Well I know it has been a bit since we last posted but not a lot has been going on. It has been raining here like mad so we have been making good use of the hammock. Watch a lot of movies and have just been relaxing. We did however go diving on wednesday and got our wreck speciality, which makes four specialty certs so far and we are still working on our Dive Master cert. We did our wreck dives on the Unicorn which was nice since you only have a couple min bottom time at 40 meters it takes a couple of dives to see the whole thing. We have now done 4 dives on it and it will still take a couple more before we actually see the whole thing. However this time I got down to 41.3 meters and Maryanne got 43.2 meters due to having to tie off our line to the railing of the boat. Visibility this time wasn’t all that good but hey we are done with that speciality. Okay the specialities are important because if we get five speciality courses we are certified as a Master Diver (MSD) which is the highest non-professional rating we can get. So if we decided to work it looks better on us if we are both MSD’s and Dive Master (DM) which is our professional rating. Not to mention the courses we are taking go to just making us better divers and will come in handy when we go to other places. Sometimes we might go to a place that has a wreck at 36m, well if we don’t have the deep diver and wreck diver we wouldn’t be able to explore it. Well we could but if something happened then insurance wouldn’t cover it since is beyond what we have been trained. So since we have been trained now we are covered. Okay it might not be cool to some of you but it is pretty darn exciting for us!!! At this point thought I would love to continue and become an instructor, but I have to have been diving for 6 months, so maybe later. The guys that have been doing our deep and wreck training are the same technical divers from earlier blogs (Wilco and Ayesha), unfortunately they are leaving for August so I can’t do the Technical Diving Basic course 🙁 So much to do, so little time! Just like life! Just as well or we would never leave Koh Tao! But we are bound and determined to make a break from here and see more of the world!
So sorry to you readers that we aren’t all that exciting at the moment, but like Maryanne said at the beginning of this post (yes a joint effort went into writing this) it has been raining 🙁 We got another Visa run coming up in a few days… Our last one which will cover us till the end of August. Maybe I will let Maryanne ride the bike in the rain, then I am sure we will have something cool to post LOL
Tags: Thailand
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