Pictures and Update
Again we know we are bad about posting pictures so below are a couple pictures of our new place that we so love.. Hot shower!! What a change… Still a manual toilet but that is not really a big deal once you learn how to use it.
So we have been in Koh Tao for over a month now and I have not driven the motorbike once, but yesterday I was determined to. After a long discussion with Jared he reluctently gave me the keys before he took off for a fun dive giving me hours of time to do what I wanted to do. So after I was done with my class I got on the motorbike, and was off. Oh wait first I have to tell you that someone else had to start it for me first… 🙂 So now I am off. I got off to a great start. I was sailing along so happy I was finally in control. But as luck would have it.. Everything did not go as planned.. Or not as I planned I guess it was pretty much as Jared had planned. I tried to stop so I did not run right in to a bush.. Dont know how that thing got in front of me. It just came out of no where! I tell you those things move fast. I put my foot down to help slow me down. Yes I really did this! And well feet dont work as well as breaks as I found out the hard way.. Dont worry everyone I just have a small abrassion on one foot it is really not that bad.
Jared here – Unfortunately Maryanne and I have been a bit sick lately which really sucked as we were supposed to meet Kabbi in Koh Samui (a nearby island) Maryanne has a sore throat and I have a sinus cold. Well after Maryanne’s dive it has gotten worse and well as for me…. Okay now they tell you in your first diving course that anyone can end the dive as it is ultimately up to the individual whether they will dive or not. So as a divemaster we need to reassure them that there is nothing wrong with not diving if you don’t feel safe, comfortable, sick, etc Well apparently that applies to EVERYONE! So yesterdays dive, I felt fine in the morning, I could breathe well and had energy to do my morning workout. So I thought I would go diving. They were going to a new site so I was naturally very excited. Well as soon as I jumped in I had a little pain in my head, but I tried to ignore it. It was a relatively shallow dive so I could do it, so I thought. 6m down I was in a lot of pain, but the coral and the fish were amazing. So far the best dive site yet. However after about 24 min the pain was too bad to tolerate, man my dumb butt should have stopped diving right away. I came up and had some blood and a bad headache. Apparently some capillariars in my sinus broke causing the blood. You would think after 50 dives I would have been smart enough to just stay out of the water. So now a day later my head hurts as well as having a lot of pressure on my sinuses. So if you have a head cold stay out of the freakin water!!! I so hate when I have to learn the hard way! Sorry Kabbi my bad we couldn’t come see you 🙁 Althought on the bright side I can use this story to help teach the new divers what not to do. I am out of the water till probably wed cause of this damn thing!! At least I have a nice hammock to lay in see pic below! 🙂
Ok so here are some pictures
Tags: Thailand
Wow – what a beautiful place to live – your room looks super! What a life you two!
Okay Maryanne – watch out for “rogue” bushes in the future and Jared – we’re both happy as parents that you learn a lesson the hard way as we know sometimes that is the ONLY way to learn something. Ouch! I bet your head sure hurt…. I vaguely remember diving while not well and it isn’t fun…. kinda like throwing up through your regulator – bad, bad!
Heal up you two and get better soon. We send our love…..Mom and Dad
Hey guys I just got caught up on all your adventures, glad to know your still enjoying yourselves.. Looks like a great place… We have been fairly busy here lost of people going on vacation and going back and forth to Saudi, but hey were dealing with it.. Had to replace the Alternator and Battery on the truck, easy fix tho, and umm thats about all I guess.. Jared you can go ahead and tell the truth, we all know where the bloody nose came from.. serves you right for laughing at Maryanne for Evil Knieveling the bushes lol.. Keep in touch, have lots more fun be safe and POST MORE PICTURES.. (girls in bikinis pleaseeee) lol… miss you guys happy diving
Jared your looking good!!!!! Miss Maryanne how are you doing???
Miss ya…