Stress Test
Ok so as everyone knows that has been reading this. Me and Jared are working on our Dive Master Cert. One of the things that we have to get signed off on this is called Equipment exchange or as some people call it Stress test.. How this is done, you have to swap gear (BCD, Fins and Mask) With someone eles while underwater doing buddy breathing while Neutrally Bouyant. For those of you that dont know what buddy breathing is, it is where two people breath out of the same regulator. Take two breaths pass it to the other and so on. All while changing gear while trying to not float to the surface. Which is by far not the easiest thing to do. After several attempts and lots of water being drank by all. We finally finished. Me and my partner were the last ones done. Thanks to me of course because I was the one drinking all the water try to fight for air. Jared and his partner finished right before us.. So dont let him fool you with he was not last. He was not that far behind. Jared had a very small french women as his partner. Talk about a site, Jared in a pink mask, pink BCD and pink fins. Where was the camera when you needed it. To bad I was busy swapping gear with someone else. So this is what I think of this test. Pass or not.. Why in the world would you breath off of one regulator when you have 4 good ones. This is just crazy. I did feel good when it was done though. And as weird as it was after several failed attempts when we finally did it, it was so easy. We had no idea what the problems were all the other times cuz we just clicked and it was done. Pool water tastes like crap!!!
Tags: Thailand
What do you mean Maryanne??? Have you never seen Jared in Pink before??? Are you just learning this now….As a kid we thought THAT was his color! lol
Keep up the good work.
Love, Mom
Yes I did see the pictures of Jared in his favorite color. That is pure entertainment. Ok it is that one and the one in the elephant-pirate custome. I could not stop laughing. Thanks for the encouragement I am really going to need on this Deep dive! Wish me luck!