Nitrox, Deep Dive and Wreck Diving!!
Okay so now that exams are over we have decided to branch out and try some new things! One of them being a Nitrox course which basically allows us to stay underwater longer. You can’t go too deep but at least we can do a nice long 26m dive! So we already finished the course work for that thankfully now we just have to do the diving portion. Awhile back we blogged about attending a Technical Diving Lecture and trying out the gear at the pool. The Tec Divers do something called Wreck Wed, were they take you out with normal gear to dive a wreck at around 40m. So we chatted with them and since we had already planned to get our Deep Diving Certification, we worked it out to combine the Wreck Diving to count for our last 2 deep dives to get the cert. Sweet huh?!?! I think we also might do the Wreck Diving Course, which will be 4 Wreck dives. Basically we are going to be doing some specialty course so we can get our Master Scuba Diver rating and then at the end of our course we will also be Divemasters. Mostly cause some people confuse the two so if we get both ratings then it doesn’t matter what they call us lol. Alright that isn’t the real reason, just a bonus. The real reason is that when we get to Micronesia, there are lots of Wrecks, Deep Dives and Drift Diving. So they are certs that we are going to need anyway. Another one we are looking at is the Equipment Specialty, so we know how to service our equipment and just have more all around knowledge.
Now I know you all really enjoyed the stories of me getting attacked by wildlife, really thanks for the support!! However friends of ours found the nice little place to stay, so we checked it out and fell in love. Mostly cause of the hot shower, frig, microwave and big soft bed. So we decided to move! Last night was our first night, it was amazing. Woke up this morning and had a bowl of cereal on our big porch that has a table and chairs. Since we are up on the hill there was a nice little breeze. Now with the frig we can eat at home more often which will help with costs. Okay not like things are really expensive but it is nice not to always go out to eat. We even got a cat out of it! It seems like every bungalow comes with an animal. Our friends Caroline and Ryan have a dog and we have a cute cat!
So life is awesome at the moment, granted I am very glad we are doing this trip. However I do wish I would have done this a few years ago! I dont think I ever want to go back to a real job! Just kidding mom, I promise to grow up in a few years!! Miss you all!
Maryanne is diving this afternoon, but I am sure she sends her love and may add to this post later.
Tags: Thailand
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