Exams, Sail Rock trip and whatnot!
Okay so it has been a bit since our last post…sorry! Well we are almost through with all our course work as far as lectures and exams go! Yippie We have passed all the exams that we have taken so far. I have already finished but Maryanne has to take 3 exams. The night before those exams Maryanne had a bit too much to drink. It was open mic night at the bar and a bunch of the girls where up singing. We stayed pretty late as the cheering section, but Maryanne and the other girls got a little carried away. It was a great thought. So Maryanne was pretty much useless the next day. So while I went to class with a little hangover, someone else stayed in bed! We also missed a day where we were supposed to do a proper map of a dive site. The night before the mapping dive, we were begged to come on an all day sailing trip to sail rock. Apparently they were going to cancel the trip due to a few last minute cancellations. So we decided to go along, were we glad we did! Sail Rock is a dive site about 2 hours away between Koh Tao and Koh Phanagan sp? We pretty much saw all the same things that we do on closer dive sites, but there are way more fish and they are bigger. Deb was our DM and made the experience even better it was such a relaxing dive! We saw some massive Grouper and man can they move really fast when they want to! There were big schools of barcuda that circled us and some giant baracuda. There was even a tall chimney swim through that was fantastic. We did take pictures so we will get those posted soon. So we dove that site twice and then headed to another site. The morning was very beautiful, but then the rain and wind came in the afternoon. Boy was it miserable, all of us couldn’t wait to get back underwater.
Other than that we have just been relaxing and hanging out with friends. Last night about 20 DMT’s (Divemaster Trainees) and some instructors went for bowling. It was a good chance to meet some of the new DMT’s and just get to know people a little better. This morning we were in the pool just doing a skill circuit, basically we practice demonstrating all 20 Open Water skills as we would when assisting OW students. We pretty much have to make them all look super easier and point out the important parts to the students. I am so glad we were in the pool! Yesterday we went on a small boat in choppy water to do rescue assessments. Trying to rescue an unconscious diver is a lot of work, we were so exhausted afterwards!!!
This still beats a day at the office!! Gotta go pick Maryanne up from her massage and go have a beer!! LOL life is good! 🙂 Miss you all!
Tags: Thailand
mmm massage and then beer…
miss u both.