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Archive for August, 2007

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Teacher in Space

Wednesday, August 15th, 2007

From a BBC Story:

Teacher in Space

NASA astronaut Barbara Morgan, originally a back-up to Christa McAuliffe (who lost her life in the Challenger disaster of 1986), fulfilled a two-decade promise to put a teacher in space and link up with students on earth.

From the ISS, she spoke to an audience of hundreds of yougsters packed into the Discovery Center of Idaho in Boise, US, less than 160km (100 miles) from the elementary school where Morgan taught before joining the astronaut corps.

Asked by one child how being a teacher compared to being an astronaut, Ms Morgan replied: “Astronauts and teachers actually do the same thing.

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Buffalo, Lions, and Crocs, Oh My

Thursday, August 9th, 2007

Not related to TEFL in Mexico in any way, but this is one piece of video I just had to share.

You Tube Video “Battle at Kruger”


In short, 4 lions snatch a buffalo calf.  A croc battles the lions but withdraws.  An army of buffalo assemble and rescue the calf, chasing away the lions.

Lorne Greene would’ve loved this scene of nature at its most ferocious.

Appreciating Spanish

Thursday, August 2nd, 2007
As an English speaker, learning a new language can be both a difficult and enlightening experience. So tied up in culture is language that it is next to impossible to arm-chair learn the language of a foreign land...a foreign ... [Continue reading this entry]