To Do List
For travel down to West Africa…
- Visa – Mauritania, Senegal
- Check the forums on
- Courier surfboard
- Buy Guide
- Malaria tablets
- Travel Insurance
- Mosquito net
- Sandals
- Flights: Morocco-Senegal; Senegal-London; London-anywhere
That last one is just in case something good shows up. It would be nice to be able to use my Morocco to London BA flight that I have.
Tags: Travel, Tag Index
October 3rd, 2006 at 9:27 am
Asalaamu Alaikum Ghalied
Eish bru your schedule does seem hectic for Ramadaan where do you find the engery? Red Bull ??
Fajr this morning was at 5.04am there isn’t really time to snooze my wife is also a good alarm (when her batteries arent pap!) She usually nudges me when I do wana take that 2 minute snooze that eventually makes you oversleep for breakfast in the morning.
Wonder how good the internet cafes are in those West African countries you intend travelling to. From what I gather it seems that you are expecting to make an ealier exit from Morocco – Are the authorities not giving you an extention?
I have my sights on a Botswana and Vic Falls trip next year inshallah. Will just have start preparing the itinerary, accomodation and whatwhat.
You probably still in bed like the rest of Morocco (9h20) working giving their bodies chance to work down the entire sheep or camel they had the night before 🙂
October 3rd, 2006 at 3:33 pm
Did you check the prices of the trips on Botswana? It’s expensive. Get travel insurance also in case you want to drive into Vic Falls because otherwise the Zimbabweans will charge you at the border for insurance.
October 8th, 2006 at 3:25 pm
enjoy the trip 🙂
October 9th, 2006 at 1:48 pm
Will do.