Back Home in the land of comfort and loved ones – November
Tuesday, December 26th, 2006Relieved and thrilled to be getting back to our baby boy (Morgan), our family and friends. The plane descended into Orlando and Dad Schroeder picked us up. Like a favorite memory, we hit up a restaurant with him – the floor covered in peanut shells like a Warhol painting. Relieved to once again have iced tea….I gulped down 3 glasses – my favorite part of any day. The time was precious and like dejavu – we had just been on the dock, saying goodbye. Chris and I headed out late – a big, black and hairy magnet force pulled us towards Jacksonville Beach. Long, late night drives weren’t anything new. We had just finished driving over 6,000 miles and another 180 was just the icing on the cake. Morgan wasn’t an option, we would see him before we slept, smell his smell, rub his ears and belly and kiss his wet nose. Counting down the minutes as we got on JTB toward the beaches, 20….18….12….6…..3…. I began to cry. We just wanted a big lick in the face from Morgan. We wanted his 100lb/12 year old frame nestled in between us.
The homecoming was great. Morgan, however, was a bit confused. He ran around excited and probably thought that he was dreaming. In one way, he acted as if we had never left, then he began to put on a show saying with his movements, “look at me play…remember how cute and I am, remember that I play a good game of fetch – don’t leave”. Next he became highly confused over whom to follow: my dad or Chris. I looked at Chris and could tell his heart had just broken into a million pieces.
Chris took him behind closed doors, had a one-on-one with him and before you knew it, Morgan was his shadow once again. This trip home would be short (5 weeks), and we were determined to take him everywhere with us…the car, the beach, the store, to Mamaw’s and to anyone’s house that we were invited to. The rule was if we went, Morgan went….if Morgan wasn’t welcome, we wouldn’t go.
Home was like cookies and milk after an upsetting day of 3rd grade. The temperature was perfect, the flavor and smell perfected. So many little things that we took for granted, from ice cubes to bath tubs. We took full advantage of the little things. I took a couple 4 hour long showers complete with hot water and better than any spa one could imagine. Chris developed an addiction for wireless internet (not to update the site, but to get caught up on every Lost episode of the season). [read on]