Back Home in the land of comfort and loved ones – November
Relieved and thrilled to be getting back to our baby boy (Morgan), our family and friends. The plane descended into Orlando and Dad Schroeder picked us up. Like a favorite memory, we hit up a restaurant with him – the floor covered in peanut shells like a Warhol painting. Relieved to once again have iced tea….I gulped down 3 glasses – my favorite part of any day. The time was precious and like dejavu – we had just been on the dock, saying goodbye. Chris and I headed out late – a big, black and hairy magnet force pulled us towards Jacksonville Beach. Long, late night drives weren’t anything new. We had just finished driving over 6,000 miles and another 180 was just the icing on the cake. Morgan wasn’t an option, we would see him before we slept, smell his smell, rub his ears and belly and kiss his wet nose. Counting down the minutes as we got on JTB toward the beaches, 20….18….12….6…..3…. I began to cry. We just wanted a big lick in the face from Morgan. We wanted his 100lb/12 year old frame nestled in between us.
The homecoming was great. Morgan, however, was a bit confused. He ran around excited and probably thought that he was dreaming. In one way, he acted as if we had never left, then he began to put on a show saying with his movements, “look at me play…remember how cute and I am, remember that I play a good game of fetch – don’t leave”. Next he became highly confused over whom to follow: my dad or Chris. I looked at Chris and could tell his heart had just broken into a million pieces.
Chris took him behind closed doors, had a one-on-one with him and before you knew it, Morgan was his shadow once again. This trip home would be short (5 weeks), and we were determined to take him everywhere with us…the car, the beach, the store, to Mamaw’s and to anyone’s house that we were invited to. The rule was if we went, Morgan went….if Morgan wasn’t welcome, we wouldn’t go.
Home was like cookies and milk after an upsetting day of 3rd grade. The temperature was perfect, the flavor and smell perfected. So many little things that we took for granted, from ice cubes to bath tubs. We took full advantage of the little things. I took a couple 4 hour long showers complete with hot water and better than any spa one could imagine. Chris developed an addiction for wireless internet (not to update the site, but to get caught up on every Lost episode of the season).
Our friends Becky&Christian and Michelle&Mike were married while we were back. Both weddings were gorgeous. Becky and Christian were married in Jax and the reception was at the beach club – a beach chic style and Becky a glowing bride. I was a bridesmaid in the wedding and had the time of my life with all the girls. I had literally jumped into one of the girly novels that I read on our trip – complete with hair salons, dresses and champagne to toast. Michelle and Mike were married in Orlando and their reception was at the Marriott – a black and white formal affair. A full night of catching up with friends, witnessing a transformational day and eating amazing cake!
We celebrated birthdays. I hovered in the kitchen, creating a gourmet stuffed porkchop with butternut squash side for my mom’s birthday. We trekked to Tallahassee to have a birthday party for Chris’ Mamaw. Kimmie and Matt both turned one year older.
While we were home, we attended 2 unexpected funerals. The Vellers were like family to Chris. Fran Veller, 92, passed away after possibly having a stroke. We attended her memorial and saw her husband Don, 94. The moment Don found out, he let go. He stopped eating and he ceased taking his medications. 10 days after his wife passed away, Don decided it was time they met and he gracefully passed. They supported each other in every way. Don was the first football coach at FSU and a professor and went on to become the golf coach and a columnist at the Tallahassee democrat. Married for 70 years and a true inspiration of love and friendship. I only hope that we, our friends and family are able to experience love in the same way.
Thanksgiving came before we knew it and our comforting trip home was coming to an end. Chris and I spent a ton of time relaxing in Jax and were able to get some quality time with our family. Our 4 year old niece, Cat, was hysterical and her vocabulary is above most 10 year olds ….Mark is graduating with film archiving in NY…..Paul and Robin were able to come for a week and treated us to an amazing dinner. Mom and Dad Grenier were busy as ever and we tried to help around the house (okay, Chris did the hard chores, but I cooked a bunch and cleaned) and our favorite times were just sitting around with them…munching on homemade salsa and banana bread. We made it down to Orlando and enjoyed some lake time with Dad Schroeder and his dogs: Luke & Jake. We were able to stay on his boat and Dad Schroeder made it up to Jax and Tally for Thanksgiving. We were full as balloons and with amazing home cooked dinners – fattened up just in time to leave again.
Comfort suited us well. It was easy to get info from the web, get in touch with whomever we wanted and we were getting used to not having to search for a place to sleep. Spoiled like milk 1 day after its date, we packed our bags and remembered the burden of the weight on our shoulders and the carefree feeling of leaving everything behind.
Monday we had to do the hardest thing imaginable. Say goodbye to our Morgan – for 5 long months. It was easier this time. He wasn’t confused. He was at home and knew that someone would feed him, scratch his sweet spots and throw the pipe. This time, we were the wrecks. Tears in our eyes, we pulled out of the drive and tried to concentrate on the exotic islands where we were headed; telling ourselves that this was the last time we would leave him. We would be back for good – in 5 months, well rounded, cultured and having seen a slice of the world.
Tags: Travel
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