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Joueurs de Lumieres – The Light Players

Sunday, May 14th, 2006


These pictures were taken last night at an enormous pyrotechnic show – part of the Brighton Festival. Tens of thousands of people came to Preston Park to see Groupe F: the people responsible for the millenium celebrations in Paris, and the opening ceremony of the Athens Olympics. The most awe-inspiring section (as hazily depicted in the 2nd photo here) featured a man in a suit covered in lights dancing around a massive inflatable world. Spectacular.

The squeak of death…

Wednesday, April 26th, 2006

I am sitting in a park in Brighton. I am minding my own business. I am reading the newspaper. The serious bits, not the sports. I can hear rustling in the bushes. I attribute it to the scurrying of small mammals. Then I hear a loud squeak. I turn to see something rolling down the slope towards me. At first I think it may be a mouse. It is not a mouse. It is a frog. I look up to where this frog’s short roll began. A squirrel is sitting there. I poke the frog with my foot. It does not move. It’s eyes are open. But it is dead. The squirrel has killed the frog. I wasn’t even aware they were in the same food chain. But I have heard the squeak of death.
I start to walk home. A cliche happens. A dog is barking furiously at a postman. Is it the red bag that sets them off? Who can tell..

Surreality and the Squirrel…

Thursday, April 20th, 2006
The adoption by a country of a "national" animal is a strange business indeed. Whilst Australia has plumped for the fairly prevalent kangaroo, and Nepal has the ubiquitous cow, the constituent nations of the United Kingdom have chosen to ... [Continue reading this entry]

Hoctor Hoctor…

Thursday, April 13th, 2006
Hoctor is one of those strange crossover names you dont quite know what to make of.  It's a bit like Doctor and a bit like Hector, but ultimately it isn't really either of them.  I met my 1st Hoctor a ... [Continue reading this entry]

Pippa the Chipper Nipper swallowed a nail Clipper…

Monday, March 13th, 2006
The British Government has decided that, for tax purposes, Christmas 2006 will be celebrated on July 16th.  Nah, I'm joshing with you.  But I did go to a "St Patrick's day festival" in Central London yesterday, a full 5 days before ... [Continue reading this entry]

I’m Buck in the U.K…

Monday, August 22nd, 2005
"Old man look at my life, Twenty four and there's so much more ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bye Bye Brighton

Thursday, August 11th, 2005
I've finally had enough time to shape, sort, drape & snort my photo's from my last night in Brighton & stick them up here. so here they are: Jim & Quill on Brighton pier Me [Continue reading this entry]

Adios Anglia – The Buck starts HERE!!

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2005
Yep. The time has come. I dont think I've totally got my head around it but in 40 or so hours I will be on a plane to Abu Dhabi. i'm looking forward to a really good ... [Continue reading this entry]

teenage mutant ninja offspring

Sunday, July 17th, 2005
Had a few people round for some drinks last night coz we're moving out in a week. Got chatting to a friend of my flatmates who I'd never met before. He was telling me about how he'd lived ... [Continue reading this entry]

some pics of me mates

Monday, July 11th, 2005
Thought I'd stick a few pics of me mates here. This is Katie & Sophie - The Moon Love crew Then we've got Charlie & Kat - two more ... [Continue reading this entry]