Two Weeks at a Run
I’ve no idea where to begin. I’ve been busy which has been a treat but it also means I have very little recollection of my life. Luckily I keep Cliff’s Notes in my planner which is constantly with me and without which I would possibly cease to exist. Anyway, here are the highlights.
Hunterian Art Gallery. Spent a nice rainy afternoon there. Large collection of James Whistler but my favorite part is the second floor where they have some really great stuff from Scottish artists that is more modern. I will not claim to be a “modern art” fan. I haven’t gone to Glasgow’s Museum of Modern Art because I have a hard time staring at crumpled news paper or toilet seats and thinking deep thoughts. But Hunterian, cool place, give it a gander if you’re ever in Glasgow. Like most museums in Glasgow, it is free for the main exhibits.
I heard about a craft fair from a friend at the Royal Concert Hall a couple weeks ago which was very nice. I was so proud of myself because I spent only what I budgeted and got a great handmade scarf to add to my collection. Speaking of collections, I’ve also purchased my first pair of shoes, boots actually, here in Glasgow. I’m not sure what makes me happier, the fact that they are wicked cool looking, super comfortable, or that I got them on sale. I think it could be the sale part. There’s nothing like getting cute shoes at a discount to make your day bright and shiny. And I needed a day-brightener.
I was struggling with a lack of sleep for about a week. I will use that as the excuse for my non-writing. No matter how tired I was, all I could do was lie in bed, look at the clock from time to time and tell myself “If you fall asleep now you’ll still get three hours of sleep.” That never works. So I got gradually more insane as the week went on which climaxed on Sunday when I was asked to substitute teach which I usually love. I was so out of it though that I have very little idea of how it went.
Let’s see…anything else? Oh yes, a friend and I went to see Mary Stuart at the Citizens’ Theatre. We were nearly late because there was a Rangers game that afternoon so the Underground was packed and we had to wait for a train that was a little less like vacuum packed astronaut food and a little more like sardines in a can. The show was amazing. Very simple set and costumes which highlighted the amazing performances, especially from the two actresses playing Elizabeth and Mary which is as it should be. There are a lot of shows coming up over the next couple of weeks which I’m excited to see. Thoroughly Modern Millie is playing this weekend which I think we’ll go see and well as The Play What I Wrote next week.
Now I have to get a boatload of reading done. Like a proper little geek I volunteered to do a presentation in class in a fortnight and so I have a whole other book to read on top of everything else. It’ll be crazy. I’ve got Teaching Assistant training tomorrow morning on top of class and then a dance on Friday for Halloween. Yes, I said a dance and I am going to it. Those of you who know me, try and contain your gasps of shock. As my sister Jess said just a few days ago “Who are you and why have you hacked into my sister’s email?”
But don’t worry. I haven’t left my ways behind. When I haven’t been running around to museums, and plays, and class, and the library I’ve been sitting holed up in my room watching old episodes of MST3K. I’m still me after all.
Tags: Glasgow
I am still reading, usually with a fussy baby in my arms and tying with my index finger. Love m. Stuart! Got any pics? Miss you. (+jealous of you museum and theatre hopping)
Good grief! Only 2 errors in 2 lines *snicker*
Miss you all too. I haven’t gotten any pics up yet because I’m still living in the dark ages and I have a camera with, brace yourself, film in it. I can’t get pics up until I finish the role. It’s practically barbaric 🙂
Bonjour Becca!
Ce va? I am still getting emails about book group and found your blog address. What fun! We still feel like we are in a holding pattern, although we are operating the mission office here in Joburg. Election results announced today in DRC-all are waiting to see what happens. It’s Spring here and the weather is fantastic!! I’ll check in from time to time….
Au revoir,Lynne
It’s so good to hear from you. We’re teaching someone from the Congo up here in Glasgow. She said that things have been fairly stable after the elections. Good luck on getting to the DRC in the near future. Mbote!
bonjour a tous A mon avis, les opinions de cet billet necessiteraient d’avantage de sources!! Votre vision est juste or je ne suis pas d’accord avec les divers avis precedents! Vous devriez vérifier d’autres sources pour plus de professionalisme… Merci