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Longer Days in Glasgow

Tuesday, February 20th, 2007

Well, it’s a sunny and cool day here in Glasgow and I lived here long enough that I actually feel drunk from walking around in all this sunshine. I think the best part of almost-spring is the fact that the days getting noticeably longer. I often forget just how far north Scotland is until I’m here in Dec or June; then the days are freakishly short or long respectively. I’m feeling more upbeat and productive these days. It still starts to get dark around 5:30 or 6 but that’s leagues better than the weeks at the end of Dec or beginning of Jan where you wake up and go home in total darkness.

An upshot to January here in Glasgow is the wonderful Celtic Connections music festival. I really wish I’d had more money and time so I could check out more shows. (Although that’s not new. I always wish I had more money and time.) I didn’t get to see Idlewild’s show because it was sold out but I did see them at the Ballads of the Book gig. It’s a really interesting project where Scottish writers came up with lyrics which were then passed on to Scottish bands to turn into songs. It’s a really eclectic and fascinating album. The gig featured 7 or 8 bands that had contributed and they played the song from the album as well as some of their own stuff.
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A New Year

Thursday, January 4th, 2007

Happy 2007 everybody! Did you have a nice holiday? Mine was mixed. It’s been awhile since I last wrote but I think I can condense almost everything (pseudo-) interesting into one long run-on sentence. I spent most of last six weeks researching and writing an essay on the influences of theology and literature on the art of Marc Chagall which is about as exciting as it sounds (which is to say not really except to really geeky people like me). So since that made up most of my life for the last couple months I decided to spare you although if you’re really interested I can send you my essay for the low low price of $5. I know that seems exorbitant but I’m working with an exchange rate that is seriously stacked against me.
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Poor Student Living the High Life

Friday, November 17th, 2006
I’ve been a barely employed student for so long that I can’t really imagine what it would be like to have money. And I don’t think I’ll be faced with that prospect for awhile. Just a week ago ... [Continue reading this entry]

Remember, Remember…

Tuesday, November 7th, 2006
If traveling has taught me one thing it is this, no matter how far you go you still bring you with you. This can be both a good and bad thing. When people ask me if I miss ... [Continue reading this entry]

Two Weeks at a Run

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006
I’ve no idea where to begin. I’ve been busy which has been a treat but it also means I have very little recollection of my life. Luckily I keep Cliff’s Notes in my planner which is constantly with ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bittersweet Evening

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006
I am someone who craves her alone time. I enjoy going to dinner by myself and I love going to movies alone. Tonight, however, was the first time that I’ve ever been to a concert alone and I ... [Continue reading this entry]

Back to School

Sunday, October 8th, 2006
I’m sitting in my room (groovin’ to B.B. King because I felt in need of some blues) at the end of the first week that I’ve felt like a proper student. Since we finished orientation I’ve been left pretty ... [Continue reading this entry]

Great Expectations

Friday, September 29th, 2006
Expectations are a tricky thing. It’s fun to look forward to things but it’s also dangerous to let expectations get away from you. I’m a planner (as I said before) so some expectations are bound to arise but ... [Continue reading this entry]


Saturday, September 23rd, 2006
First some business, sorry about the loss of comments for the last few entries. There were some computer problems chez Bootsnall but I save everything (except for comments obviously) so I’ve been able to repost the missing entries. On to ... [Continue reading this entry]


Tuesday, September 19th, 2006
It’s been a long week with a lot of information being thrown at us. Over the last few days all the international students at the University of Glasgow went through orientation. We learned about Scotland, about immigration, about ... [Continue reading this entry]