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Archive for October, 2006

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Two Weeks at a Run

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

I’ve no idea where to begin. I’ve been busy which has been a treat but it also means I have very little recollection of my life. Luckily I keep Cliff’s Notes in my planner which is constantly with me and without which I would possibly cease to exist. Anyway, here are the highlights.
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Bittersweet Evening

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

I am someone who craves her alone time. I enjoy going to dinner by myself and I love going to movies alone. Tonight, however, was the first time that I’ve ever been to a concert alone and I must say it was a bittersweet experience.

I just got back from seeing Embrace at the Glasgow Carling Academy. What an amazing show!!! I’ve been to see them twice before, both times in Minneapolis. They are not as well known in the States so they’ve played small club shows at home. This is nice because it’s a very intimate venue and both times my best friend and I have been up front and center. Last time, Danny McNamara even put his hand on my shoulder for a few seconds. I knew I‘d be in Glasgow for this October show so I ordered my ticket months ago. I knew it would be a larger venue and a much larger show.
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Back to School

Sunday, October 8th, 2006
I’m sitting in my room (groovin’ to B.B. King because I felt in need of some blues) at the end of the first week that I’ve felt like a proper student. Since we finished orientation I’ve been left pretty ... [Continue reading this entry]