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Archive for July, 2006

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Things to pack

Thursday, July 27th, 2006

So things are falling in to place here. I got my visa in record time (a week, can you believe that?), the computer is on order, I’ve decided which shoes to leave behind (painful decision, that), and I seem to be set financially to continue my life of student poverty (which means sacrificing the food budget to buy a book or go to a concert). Now is the time to finish those last little touches, little essentials for recording my time there.

When people plan the things that will help them remember their time abroad they usually include things like cameras and journals. I’m certainly bringing these things but lotion and music also will also be an important part of how I remember this time and fix it in my memory. Wait….lotion?
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Monday, July 24th, 2006

I hate being unprepared. Let me rephrase that: I hate looking like I don’t know what I’m doing. I suppose it is the result of being an insecure, know-it-all kid at school. Appearing to have everything under control was just my way of overcompensating. In addition, I think it is just one of the sucky parts of growing up. We get so used to being capable at things that we don’t like to try stuff that might make us look like idiots. This leads to reluctance to try new things, at least in my case. None of us truly know it all but many people spend way too much time trying to act like they do.
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Initial Concerns

Thursday, July 20th, 2006
I had a worry when I considered starting this, my first travel blog. (Not really just one, but one that I will talk about now.) I will not be traveling around seeing new and interesting places every week ... [Continue reading this entry]

Have Visa, Will Travel?

Monday, July 17th, 2006
Have you ever read A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle? For those who have not had the pleasure it is about the hilarious adventures of an English couple who become expats and move to Provence. I never ... [Continue reading this entry]


Monday, July 17th, 2006
Hi Hello and welcome! So, the time has come to introduce this thing and make first impressions. Hmmm. In case the title isn't explanitory enough... I'm from Minneapolis and recently graduated from the University of ... [Continue reading this entry]