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Archive for August, 2006

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Study Abroad FAQ

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

Should I feel guilty for not writing for awhile? It’s odd how once you start one of these blog things you feel a certain compulsion to write. On the very off chance someone was looking forward to an entry over the last few weeks, I apologize. Well, there hasn’t been a lot going on in the last few weeks. (Great, now I’m starting to justify myself to non-existent readers). Just working rather boring temp jobs. And I’m sure you’d rather not have details of my various adventures as a temp receptionist or accountant. Not exciting stuff.

But I haven’t written just to say I have nothing to write. Over the last couple of weeks I’ve gotten a lot of questions about studying abroad and why I chose to do my postgrad work in the UK. So if that kind of thing sounds interesting to you, read on. If not, I leave on September 7th and maybe there’ll be more exciting stuff after that (although that’s a big maybe).
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