BootsnAll Travel Network

Mom’s pics from Thailand


Montreal, March 2, 2009 – It’s another cold crappy day here; -10C, windy, and grey. The TSX is down 5.5% as I write this. Depressing.

So I decided to break the monotony of my winter pictures with some of my mom’s photos from the tropics; 5 years ago she packed it in and started travelling through Asia. In the last few she’s settled in Chiang Mai (Thailand) and she seems to be truly happy. She’s met some really interesting people along the way and has recently started learning Thai. She loves the markets, the food, and especially the Thai people. Last year she was diagnosed with breast cancer and decided to stay there to have her operation instead of coming back to Canada. My mom has many good things to say about the treatment she received in Thailand (my mom below on the left).


I won’t say too much more because my mom is a pretty private person and doesn’t really believe in “blogging”. But I figure that if I don’t record these moments then nobody else will. A blog is like a scrapbook and I’ve always been a bit anal about scrapbooks and photo albums and all that stuff – because who knows what happens in life? My son may think I’m a bit of dweeb now but if I’m gone tomorrow or the next day maybe he’ll look at this blog and remember that I enjoyed travelling and photography and hiking. And maybe he’ll want to do the same. Or maybe he’ll just say “screw that” and go back to playing Xbox.

Anyway, here are some of my mom’s photos from Thailand. I hope I can inspire her to take more!


Above: view from her guest house. Below: a really cool flower




Above: I guess that’s the bike she likes to rent. Below: storm coming in


Below: Thai park


Sun coming in my mom’s room:


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