BBQboy and the crew…
My name is Frank, otherwise known as BBQboy. 41 years old, live in Montreal, work in accounting/finance. Born outside Quebec City, lived in Zambia for a few years as a kid, then Vancouver, Ottawa, and finally Montreal. Hobbies: travel, photography, hockey, tennis, playing Xbox with my son.
Lissette is my girlfriend and easily the most photographed person on this blog. She’s from New York, of Puerto Rican descent, and works in marketing for a direct mail company here in Montreal. She enjoys travelling almost as much as I do and has a wonderful sense of humor and a great smile.
My son Benjamin (almost 15) also appears on this blog once in a while. He usually has a look of disgust on his face – he doesn’t like to travel much. He loves sports (especially hockey and tennis) and likes to kick my ass on Xbox.
We like feedback or tips on our blogs – don’t be shy to leave us a comment!
Happy travelling!
Hi Frank,
Very nice pictures you have there. Quite funny I ended up on your page tough. I’m from Montreal and I was away for the past 10 years, living in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Panama and St Maarten, working as a telecom engineer with cellular networks. Now I came to spend the summer in Montreal and I was searching for info on San Andres where i’m thinking to head out at the end of summer. I was in Colombia last december and loved Medellin and Cartagena. Now I’m thinking to go back to Medellin and look for a place somewhere lost in the mountains… I’m thinking to do the same and stop in San Andres but it seems that Air Transat only flies out of Toronto now… Anyway, just wanted to say hi and very nice pictures you have there.
Kepp it up!
Hi Frank, Lissette –
Though I check in on your blog once in a while, to keep up with all your adventures, travels (& dirty weekends ?) have never left any comments …why I don’t know ! Just to let you know its a lot of fun & the photos are great ! I know you choose the creme de la creme for the most part, but still – they are fantastic ! Most of them would find a very happy home in the pages of “Natl Geographic” or “Geo” without any porblems.
Keep it up – See you manana
Bisous a Lissette
Hi Frank,
I enjoyed checking out your blog, especially the part on the Ehrenberg ruins outside Reutte, Austria. I have had some trouble getting good info on the hike there. Can you email me so maybe I can send you a few questions if you have some time to answer them? It would really help me out! Thanks!
Hey Frank!
I’m officially jealous. Great to view all your photos, read your blog and see that you’re still alive! Nice to also see that your mom’s doing well.
How many years has it been?. We should get together some day to catch up and chat about the good old days.
Your childhood buddy and neighbour…
Robert Boutin