Time To Slow Down in Cape Town
Cape Town is one of the capitals of South Africa. It is the southern most city in Africa. It is very large and has mountains everywhere. The Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean meet here at the Cape of Good Hope. The ocean water here is freezing cold. That’s because it just came from Antarctica.
We stayed at a hostel called The Backpack while looking at apartments, flats and houses. We ended up in The Manor Cottage, a fair sized house in Hout Bay that has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, porch, yard and garden. What’s really cool is that there’s a trail that is next to the house that leads up a mountain to a waterfall. We went up the trail twice during our second day at our house. Along the trail there are a bunch of sticks, rocks and bush like trees. You cross a stream twice on the trail. Once on rocks and once on a small, wood bridge. Once at the waterfall, you have to scream and holler just to hear each other over the roar of the falls.
The next night we went to the Hash. A Hash is a running club that we are part of. Every week a Hasher sets a trail using flour. The person who sets the trail is called the hare. Normally hashes aren’t very long, but this one was six miles (ten kilometers). We didn’t know this when we started to run. Only when we finished running, with our shirts drowsnd in sweat, did we find out that we had just completed our longest run ever!
We made friends in Cape Town quickly. Alexa’s friend’s name is Kelsey and my friends name is Jarrod. Kelsey and Jarrod are brother and sister and they live to the left of the house across the street from us. Kelsey’s hobbies are girl scouts, piano, and horseback riding. Jarrod’s hobbies are tying knots, and all sorts of outdoor activities.
Now Alexa and I are starting school every morning at nine o’clock. We do six pages of math, and then write, read or go play with our new friends. Now almost every Sunday and Wednesday we go to the Hash.
Tags: Cape Town, Kids, Relax, South Africa, Travel
Your new friends are cuties! Anyone that rides horses can’t be all bad. How long are they traveling ~ and where are they going next?
Had no IDEA so many families travel around like ya’ll are doing. What fortunate youngsters you are to have this experience of seeing the world!! Love seeing it through your eyes.