Feb 26th – Mission Beach
A small town with a great beach. It’s so chilled out here I could easily spend some more time just soaking up the vibe. The holiday park is right across from the beach so O and I went for a long walk along the beach and into town before the rain started again. We spotted loads of small sand crabs that dig and make amazing patterns on top of the sand with little balls and a jellyfish. It didn’t look like a stinger but we stopped walking in the water just in case. We walked too far and had to cut through to a closed sales home to get back onto the main road. Walking along through a murky lagoon I could only think snake and crocodile and was so glad to see civilisation again. Every time something rustles you jump!
Mission Beach is also famous for Cassowaries. They are the size of emus with a face like a turkey and a helmet made of horn on top of their heads. We were lucky enough to see one running into the bush on the way down here, I don’t think the lady in the tourist office believed us – she kept trying to describe a bush turkey but I somehow think a turkey of 5 feet was pushing it a bit! I love the wildlife here, there really is no place like it on earth. Go to NZ if you want scenery but if you want wildlife definitely come here to Oz. O came running back from the bathroom as she had seen a green tree frog in the shower. Even in Costa Rica we had not been so lucky.
Another surprise and who should pull up on their posh campervan but the couple we stayed next to in Easter Islands – what a very small world. We spent a while catching up and they were of the same opinion as us – Tahiti was ridiculously expensive and not very nice compared to the islands that surround it.
Tags: Australia, Travel
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