Golden showers
We've had a couple of days rest now since our open water extravaganza. Yesterday we bummed around our ace room all day, watched the build up to the Oscars, drank wine, watched the Oscars, moved up to rum and cokes, watched the parties after the Oscars..etc etc.... nice to have free time after the 8.30 to 5 days we pulled for the diving course (the horror).
Today all the lying around got too much and we had to get back in the water again, the snorkelling is supposed to be great here so we managed to steal away masks, fins and snorkels from the dive shop and head down to the beach. It was amazing what we could see so close to the shore! The same corals and fish that we'd seen out on the dives were all around. The fish seem used to people floating by too so they didn't scarper when we were sticking the underwater camera in their faces. They looked pretty bored with us, probably been a long day of posing for other lame floating tourists.
The only problem with the whole thing was the little stingers. They're always out in these warm waters and they are so tiny that you can't really see them and they give you a small little stings as you swim by. Sometimes they don't hurt so bad and you can ignore it. Today was not one of those days.
Before we made it out to the coral I'd got a sting on my leg, thirty minutes later and we're both flayling around in the water being attacked from all sides. We took our pictures quick, smiled at how pretty it all was through gritted teeth and then hurled ourselves back towards the shore getting new stings all the way. Jono the Desborough swimming gala champ made it back before me and I right when I finally made it to the end got a huge sting on my lip. ouch!
We got home and compared red blotchy arms and legs (and lip) and I jumped in the shower to wash away any stingers that may have hitched a lift on me from the water. The plan was to ignore the stinging until it went away, it doesn't take long to die down, fifteen minutes or so. That was my plan. Jono had bigger and better ideas. Eager to experiment with what we all know to cure such stinging he appears in the shower with a grin and a plastic beaker of liquid. And promising to stay in the corner and administer the "medicine" starts throwing wee over his arms and back. But don't get me wrong, the generosity was there and I did get the kind offer of a splash for my sore lip. I stuck with my sitting out the pain plan.
Posted by
Siobhan on February 28, 2005 11:31 PM