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* Bocas Del Toro * Tilawa Bowl * tENT cITY dos... * Tent City part one * Playa Tamagringo * eL cAMPO 2 * El Campo * Can't take the heat? * Cannonball run 2..... * Cannonball Run....... * Animal Magic * * Mike 62 where are you?? * Congratulations Iain and Selena........... * Golden showers * flipper * * Hotels and Hostals ...Mexico * Watersports
February 19, 2005THE MONEY
Okay, we've been B A D. We've got travellers cheques and a credit card if we get stuck and the combo of all that seems to be working pretty well so far. With the travellers cheques and the monthly money we've got about $25 a day for the year and from what I've seen of prices so far that is totally do-able. Our ATM cards are the Cirrus kind and there are not so many machines that take them, Visa/Plus is much more popular. However, that said, we've only had one situation so far where we haven't been able to use our card and had to change travellers cheques instead and that was because the atm machine was broken. The books say El Salvador is a problem but we just got a lot out in San Salvador and didn't hardly spend a thing on the coast because it was so cheap (happy days for the budget!). Comments
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