BootsnAll Travel Network


Erdogan rallied about 200,000 bussed-in AKP party supporters yesterday, at tax-payer expense and gave a 2-hour hate-filled lie-filled speech while protestors and police fought it out in the side streets.

Police are getting edgy.

Couple thousand union people went on strike Monday and pushed through a police line until the chemical-added water cannons cut them off.

Many suspect Erdogan is already using the gendarmeri but is threatening to send in the army.

Meanwhile the Standing Man becomes top tweet. After 18 days of mass protest against the Turkish Government, sparked by plans to re-develop Istanbul’s Gezi Park, Monday’s headline was grabbed by a solitary act of defiance in nearby Taksim Square.

Performance artist Erdem Gündüz stood silently in front of the flag of modern Turkey’s founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, hung on the Atatürk Culture Center — scheduled for destruction in the clearance of Gezi Park’s green space for a replica Ottoman-era military barracks.

Gündüz remained for six hours until he and a group that joined him in the silent stare were briefly detained by police. The act is being replicated in several international locations.

Standing Man


This Is What Fascism Looks Like

A savvy Turkish friend wonders if Erdogan wants civil war.

June 19 Update

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