It’s Time for a New Adventure…
March 7th, 2013Jim and I am embarking on a new adventure. Read my new blog here!
P.S. I read some of my old posts and feel embarrassed by how young and immature I sounded back then. Oh well – you live and learn.
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<li class="cat-item cat-item-1231"><a href="" >Australia</a> (25)
<li class="cat-item cat-item-2297"><a href="" >Cook Islands</a> (7)
<li class="cat-item cat-item-10700"><a href="" title="Our trip to Egypt; Petra, Jordan; and Jerusalem, Israel in late 2007.">Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007</a> (21)
<li class="cat-item cat-item-10699"><a href="" title="Our long weekend in Playa del Carmen and Chichen Itza.">Mexico 2007</a> (1)
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<li class="cat-item cat-item-10699"><a href="" title="Our long weekend in Playa del Carmen and Chichen Itza.">Mexico 2007</a> (1)
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[3] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-10700"><a href="" title="Our trip to Egypt; Petra, Jordan; and Jerusalem, Israel in late 2007.">Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007</a> (21) </li>
[4] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-10699"><a href="" title="Our long weekend in Playa del Carmen and Chichen Itza.">Mexico 2007</a> (1) </li>
[5] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-962"><a href="" >New Zealand</a> (17) </li>
[6] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-23259"><a href="" >Peru & Bolivia 2010</a> (3) </li>
[7] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-10695"><a href="" >PHOTOS ONLY</a> (3) </li>
[8] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-4041"><a href="" >Post-Trip</a> (5) </li>
[9] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-1899"><a href="" >Pre-Trip</a> (11) </li>
[10] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-282"><a href="" >Singapore</a> (4) </li>
[11] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-10697"><a href="" >Spain 2005</a> (6) </li>
[12] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-10696"><a href="" >Tahiti & Moorea</a> (2) </li>
[13] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-961"><a href="" >Thailand</a> (26) </li>
[14] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-4913"><a href="" >Travel Tips</a> (9) </li>
[15] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-10698"><a href="" >Turkey 2006</a> (12) </li>
[16] => <li class="cat-item cat-item-27198"><a href="" >USA Cross Country-South-2013</a> (1) </li>
Jim and I am embarking on a new adventure. Read my new blog here!
P.S. I read some of my old posts and feel embarrassed by how young and immature I sounded back then. Oh well – you live and learn.
Posted in USA Cross Country-South-2013 | 16 Comments »
Tags: USA Cross Country 08, USA Cross Country-South-2013I have gotten a bunch of hate-filled comments on posts I wrote about Egypt three years ago. All these comments have come in the past few months. I have deleted almost all of them (why leave them?) Not to mention, none of the authors included their real email addresses.
So before you decide to write a rant about how horrible I am for writing posts about Egypt, here are a few things to consider:
1. Maybe you don’t understand sarcasm or “kidding,” “joking” or “tongue in cheek” statements.
2. Sure, I complain about things that happened during our trip that may have been inconvenient and uncomfortable. That’s why this is a personal BLOG and not an unbiased travel article. I write about the good things AND the bad things.
3. Many of you don’t seem to understand that I enjoyed my time in Egypt.
4. If you still want to write a hate-filled, angry comment, maybe you should do some yoga or deep breathing to calm yourself down. I don’t think it is so healthy to get so angry about something as insignificant as my blog.
If you STILL have a burning desire to write a hate-filled, nasty comment, rest assured I will delete it immediately, so don’t waste your time.
To everyone else… HI! WELCOME! 🙂
Posted in Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007, Post-Trip | 27 Comments »
Tags: 1, Egypt, Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007, Jerusalem 2007, Petra, Post-Trip, TravelA POST ABOUT THIS RIDICULOUS PROCESS IS COMING SOON
Posted in Peru & Bolivia 2010 | No Comments »
Tags: bolivia, bolivian visa, cusco, Peru, Peru & Bolivia 2010, visa, visa for boliviaWhile in Cusco, Peru, Jim and I had a couple hours to kill before we were to catch a flight to Lima. We decided just to wander around town.
We were walking in a non-touristy market-y area on a beautiful Saturday morning. There were lots of people out on the street as you can see in the photo below.
Posted in Peru & Bolivia 2010 | 4,391 Comments »
Tags: Cuzco, Peru & Bolivia 2010, scamI’ve never gotten sick while traveling. At least, nothing more than a stomachache or a cold. I’ve never even vomited or had diarrhea. I guess I’ve been lucky. Until now.
Posted in Peru & Bolivia 2010 | 22 Comments »
Tags: clinic, cusco, hospital, ill, Peru, Peru & Bolivia 2010, sickThe next morning we took a cab to the Jaffa Gate again. The driver was nuts. He asked us where we were from, then proceeded to say he loved America over and over, and sang to Jim, “American boy…” He said “American people are extra extra extra large. Three extras.”
Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007 | 14 Comments »
Tags: Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007, TravelWell, they said it couldn’t be done but we are here!
We walked over the Rabin border crossing today from Aqaba, Jordan to Eilat, Israel. I’ve never walked over a border before. It was a cool experience and it was easy – the whole thing only took 40 minutes. We paid a 5JD exit tax then had to go thru bag checks, passport control, and customs. The bag check was pretty crazy – when Jim emptied his pockets the security guards used one of those swab things (what do they do anyway?) and swabbed down his wallet, his CHAPSTICK, his little packet of TISSUES and even his Fresh Strips.
At passport control, a tough looking dude asked us: How did you get from Egypt to Jordan? Why are you coming to Israel? Are you traveling together? What is your relation? How long are you staying? Where are you going next? Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007 | 10 Comments »
Tags: Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007, TravelWe took a car from Petra to Aqaba this morning.
Our driver asked us how Ramadan was going for us. We didn’t know how to answer, so we said, Good. He asked if we were fasting and then said he didn’t like Ramadan. Again, we were unsure of how to answer. jim asked if he didn’t like it because of the fasting, and the driver sort of snapped back, No, that’s not it. He said it is very difficult to fast and not drink water all day as a cab driver. We didn’t say anything else. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007 | 1 Comment »
Tags: Egypt, Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007, Jerusalem 2007, Petra, TravelWe have been in Petra, Jordan the past two days and it’s fantastic. Our feet are so sore; we walked for like 6 hours today.
Posted in Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007 | 10 Comments »
Tags: Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007, Travel*Please note that this post was originally written in 2007. Details on the ferry may have changed since then.*
So we got a taxi to Nuweiba (1.5 hours from Dahab) and bought our 1 way ticket to the fast ferry to Aqaba, Jordan. They are expensive – $70 US each. The price in LP was $55 so it had gone up a lot since then.
There were lots of goats walking around the streets of Nuweiba, like packs of dogs.
At the ferry terminal, we first entered an outdoor “holding area” and sat by a western-looking couple, much older and well-to-do. They were English. The wife heard us talking and said with relief, “OH! You speak English!” and proceeded to tell us how they had an all-inclusive tour through Viking tours and they’d had a miserable experience. They were left alone for 3 days and seemed amazed that we figured everything out for ourselves, and also seemed glad to have us to sort of guide them along. When I mentioned that I didn’t get to finish souvenir shopping in Egypt, she gave me a beautiful stone “egg” from St. Katherine’s and said she didn’t want it. Wow! How nice!
We weren’t sure where we were supposed to go to wait for the ferry, but we finally found an indoor “holding area,” like a terminal filled with people sitting on benches and lying on the floor and there were flies buzzing around everywhere. It was truly filthy. The English man suddenly got a text message from his tour agency saying the boat wasn’t leaving today because of rough seas and that his tour agency arranged alternate transport for them to get to Jordan. So the English couple left and actually ended up going back to Sharm, because they were so frustrated. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted in Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007 | 36 Comments »
Tags: Egypt, Egypt, Petra, Jerusalem 2007, Jerusalem 2007, Petra, TravelQuit Dreaming and Go Somewhere is designed by BootsnAll, the Indie Travel Network