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To The People Writing Hate-Filled Comments on my Blog about Egypt

Monday, May 24th, 2010

I have gotten a bunch of hate-filled comments on posts I wrote about Egypt three years ago.  All these comments have come in the past few months.  I have deleted almost all of them (why leave them?)  Not to mention, none of the authors included their real email addresses.

So before you decide to write a rant about how horrible I am for writing posts about Egypt, here are a few things to consider: 

1. Maybe you don’t understand sarcasm or “kidding,” “joking” or “tongue in cheek” statements. 

2. Sure, I complain about things that happened during our trip that may have been inconvenient and uncomfortable.  That’s why this is a personal BLOG and not an unbiased travel article.  I write about the good things AND the bad things. 

3. Many of you don’t seem to understand that I enjoyed my time in Egypt.

4. If you still want to write a hate-filled, angry comment, maybe you should do some yoga or deep breathing to calm yourself down.  I don’t think it is so healthy to get so angry about something as insignificant as my blog.

If you STILL have a burning desire to write a hate-filled, nasty comment, rest assured I will delete it immediately, so don’t waste your time. 

To everyone else… HI!  WELCOME! 🙂

Snorkeling the Red Sea in Sharm

Saturday, October 6th, 2007

Yesterday we spent most of the day on a boat and snorkeling in Ras Mohammed Marine Park. I dare say the snorkeling was maybe the best I’ve experienced. Along with tons of super colorful fish, we saw a little brown ray and my first moray eel!

Newport Kelly
JIm calls this pic “Newport Kelly”

At the start of the day, the captain gave us a short safety lecture but told us, “If you remember nothing, at least remember the name of the boat.” (foreshadowing!) So for the next few hours, our boat took us to three different places to snorkel. At the last one, they let us sort of go off on our own and told us to be back at the boat in 45 minutes. Jim and I had a fabulous time and saw so many beautiful fish and were able to go at our own speed. [read on]

Two Days til Egypt

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007
Like always.. it doesn't seem like it's actually happening. It doesn't seem real that in 72 hours, I'll be in Egypt. Holy crap. We went to CVS today to get some of the last minute toiletries... hand sanitizer, face wash, travel ... [Continue reading this entry]

Travel Gear

Friday, September 7th, 2007
I think Jim and I have spent more time shopping online for travel clothes and gear than we have reading about Egypt! I especially need some lightweight clothing that isn't revealing or sleeveless. I must have spent hours looking at ... [Continue reading this entry]

Our Big Trip: 2007 Edition

Friday, April 20th, 2007
So I think we've finally decided on our next big trip, and it is indeed a biggy. They get farther away and crazier every year. I think next year we'll go somewhere easy like Italy or something. I haven't even ... [Continue reading this entry]