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To The People Writing Hate-Filled Comments on my Blog about Egypt

Monday, May 24th, 2010

I have gotten a bunch of hate-filled comments on posts I wrote about Egypt three years ago.  All these comments have come in the past few months.  I have deleted almost all of them (why leave them?)  Not to mention, none of the authors included their real email addresses.

So before you decide to write a rant about how horrible I am for writing posts about Egypt, here are a few things to consider: 

1. Maybe you don’t understand sarcasm or “kidding,” “joking” or “tongue in cheek” statements. 

2. Sure, I complain about things that happened during our trip that may have been inconvenient and uncomfortable.  That’s why this is a personal BLOG and not an unbiased travel article.  I write about the good things AND the bad things. 

3. Many of you don’t seem to understand that I enjoyed my time in Egypt.

4. If you still want to write a hate-filled, angry comment, maybe you should do some yoga or deep breathing to calm yourself down.  I don’t think it is so healthy to get so angry about something as insignificant as my blog.

If you STILL have a burning desire to write a hate-filled, nasty comment, rest assured I will delete it immediately, so don’t waste your time. 

To everyone else… HI!  WELCOME! 🙂

How Did My Travel Gear Fare?

Friday, August 20th, 2004

Before my trip, I took a picture of some of the travel gear I had purchased. Now I”m gonna tell you how that all panned out.

Floss, Q-Tips, lotion, umbrella, sunblock: Obvious.

Detergent: I did use this several times to rinse out clothes. So I’d say it was pretty helpful.
[read on]

Being Back

Monday, June 21st, 2004
Being back doesn't feel that weird. I was able to fall right back into the routines and the left that I left. I'm even temping at a place I temped right before I left. One thing that was weird ... [Continue reading this entry]


Thursday, June 17th, 2004
My mom took me to see my grandma when I was home in Michigan. She is about 86 but her mind is still sharp and she is funny! She had some small weight velcroed around her ankle and my mom ... [Continue reading this entry]

Back in the U.S.A.

Thursday, June 17th, 2004
I got to Detroit and met my excited mom who was waiting for me. We drove the 2 hours to home, and it didn't feel that weird to be there. It was nice and relaxing, though. My parents loved ... [Continue reading this entry]