BootsnAll Travel Network

Back Home

After seven months and one week, we are home! After skiing in Argentina, we take the long bus trip back to Santiago. However, this time, we take Bus Norte in Chile and have full reclining sleeper seats. This turns out to be better than first class on an airplane. The bus attendant sets up our beds with blankets, pillows and extra padding, and we sleep peacefully during our eleven hour overnight trip to Santiago. Per Quinn, “This is lovely!”

In Santiago, we are anxious to get home and try to find things to keep us busy for two days. Paul and I take long walks and even longer lunches. We go to the movie theater and watch old movies on TV. We check our emails and the news on the Internet. The trip seemed to really end in Bariloche. I said my “goodbye” to the trip with tears in my eyes as I took my last ski run in Cerro Catedral. Happy and excited to be going home, yet melancholy and a bit sad that our adventure ends.

So now a new adventure starts. We are back home to our “normal” life with our friends and family. Yet, all of us have changed in the past seven months. We must now find new jobs and for Quinn, go back to school. All the while, we will start planning on next adventure. Everyone needs dreams. For us, the dream is to travel.

Stay tuned for a final blog posting about our overall impressions about the trip…

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2 responses to “Back Home”

  1. Bobby says:

    Please take me with you on your next trip.

  2. Elizabeth Curley says:

    Welcome back. I enjoyed your adventure .I am so glad you did too.I am also glad that you are home, safe and sound. Take care of yourself.

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