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July 15, 2005

Home is where the Heart is

Ahhhhh.... it feels good to be back.

The first week was spent in a depressed stupor. But, oddly enough (and just like every other freakin' time) I snapped out of it pretty quickly. Thanks to the help of great family (Mom, Dad, Aunt Clare, Annie, Stephen, Maggie and especially Pierce) and great friends (Thank you SO much to Karen and Mark... you guys ROCK!) I was back on my feet in no time.
My cousin Pierce and I went to the arcade and to visit Kim at the firehouse.
Karen and I went to the Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson concert at Driller's Stadium. It was an amazingly good time!! We were so close we could see Bob Dylan's wrinkles! We ended up running into old college and old high school buddies.
I hung out with Dave D'Arc from high school some of the time. Same old, same old.
I watched a lot of Discovery Channel and TLC.
Browsed the Internet. Wrote strongly opinionated letters to because of something that Lou Dobbs aired on his program that infuriated me (the main issue was outrage from Americans because a school in Texas was making its principals learn Spanish. I was highly offended because, to me, it showed an utter lack of tolerance for other cultures in an inevitablly changing world).
Ummm..... I better not get started on that.......

I took a trip down to Houston... house and dog sat for Dan. It was wonderful. I got to hang out with Drew and Kate, Russ and Krista, Cindy and Les, Kevin, Bobby and Melissa, Scott, June, Steph, Bryan and the work crew. I had a happy hour with old work collegues and was flattered when the entire team showed up (minus Jack who is currently out parusing the world). Thanks, guys!

I relaxed, I reflected, I got bored and restless, then relaxed again.

I worked for mom and dad... painted the outside of the house, completely reDID the bathroom. Hard labor, but they paid me (thank goodness).

Mostly, I sat around and wondered what the heck I was going to do for a real job. Stay around Tulsa? No..... Go to Houston and try to get a job? Yeah.... that sounds good. But I won't be able to get my own place because I won't be able to get water service because I still owe the water company money (and am too stubborn to pay them because THEY were in the wrong).... and I can't really ask to move in with someone... because many people don't have enough room, or they simply have their own lives and their own families and I would want my own space. The only person that I could potentially move in with would be Dan, but his house is like a petri dish.
What to do?
Hummm... what about this teaching English in Korea thing? I remember being so determined about doing that, back in Vietnam when I spent ten hours every other day on a bus. Since I can't read on a bus (horrible motion sickness) I spent all my time inside my own head.... thinking... thinking. Anyway, after reading the Alchemist (in Vietnam) I just KNEW this was my path, my destiny, my calling.
So what about that?

Posted by Erin on July 15, 2005 07:27 PM
Category: 21 Break Time
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