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June 25, 2005


Well.... there is so much to say about my time in Switzerland. Too much actually. So I'm going to narrow it down to the highlights.

1) Great food.... yummm. Arian's Mom is an excellent cook.
2) Great weather. Sunny, warm, but mountain-warm... not humid-warm.
3) Great wine.... and lots of it!
4) I didn't understand a bloody word for about two weeks. Then for the last two weeks I understood about 100 words. Unfortunately (and contrary to popular belief) not very many Swiss speak English. The ones that do only speak a few sentences.
5) I went hiking in the Swiss moutains three or four times. Beautiful, amazing mountain lakes, wild flowers, and wildlife.
6) Went to a festival... live bands, beer tents, lots of good looking kids.
7) Worked at a restaurant for 2 days. I would have worked there the entire summer but it was too difficult to work in German.... it's too bad that waitressing relies on communication. It would have been really awful if someone was allergic to peanuts and I couldn't understand what the hell they were saying about a potential life and death situation. Or even just basic communication..... I could see someone asking me (in German), "Does that come with onions?" and I would end up just smiling and nodding. As a matter of fact, that situation probably happened during the two days I was working. I really have no way of knowing.
8) Amazing culture. Very live-off-the-earth, recycling, peaceful, natural existance. I think it would be a hippie haven if it weren't so expensive to live there.

Okay, that's about all I really need to say about that.
I spent 25 wonderful days in fairyland. I left Switzerland (flew from Zurich to Tulsa via London Gatwick and Chicago) on June 25. It took 44 hours to get home.... but that's what you get when you just show up at the airport and ask if there are any flights to the US today. I spent a freezing cold night in Gawick airport trying to sleep on hard airline seats, having not enough clothes in the WORLD to keep me warm.

Goin' home with a broken heart.

Posted by Erin on June 25, 2005 04:44 AM
Category: 20 Switzerland
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