V & A Waterfront
Yesterday after doing some essential stuff, I wandered down to the Q & A Waterfront. It is adorable, very touristy and super busy since it was the weekend, but a very nice waterfront. It reminds me a lot of San Francisco except Cape Town is not as hilly and has the Huge Table Mountain as it’s backdrop. The rest of the afternoon I just had some downtime as I am still jetlagged! Last night I got to watch some of the six nations rugby games and then just sat and chatted with fellow travellers. I am staying here another 3 nights as I am waiting for some mail and I will move on to travel the southern coast on Friday.
Today I plan to get a hop on hop off bus tour so that I can learn a little more about cape town and see more of the sights and I am going to head to the top of Table Mountain… I hear it is the best views in the city! I’ll try to post some pics later today or tomorrow!
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Fedex # 872907070875 Why is it called Q & A Waterfront?
haha! funny thing is I wrote that wrong – it is V and A for Victoria and Alfred – the british queen and her son who built the harbor! hehe