Pets in Pubs
Just look what walked into the pub the other night:
I may be a hillbilly, but I have never seen a ferret on a leash before. Saying that, here in Tadley, it doesn’t surprise me at all.
Apparently, ferrets were domesticated around the time of the Romans to protect grain stores and hunt rabbits (in Germany, we have sausage dogs for that, although they go mainly after bigger prey, such as badgers and foxes).
This ferret, the owner assured me, was a working animal, which goes after rabbits. I flinched when I considered its potential ferociousness, but as you can see, it does not inflict any harm on people. It kept looking down at Bramble the dog, who kept sniffing up at our legs, but I wasn’t sure whether the ferret was worried or getting ready for a tussle.
Whatever the case, it was great company.
Shame that I never found out its name.
May 22nd, 2007 at 21:12
I only just found your blog while researching something entirely different.
As an Aussie ferret owner, I must say that I really enjoyed reading not only this entry, but what you had to say about your visit to our beautiful country (even though you were staying in Banana Bender-land)!
Next time you should visit the west coast … no bucking bulls on buildings over here!! 🙂
May 23rd, 2007 at 16:48
I definitely want to go back to Oz–I’m trying to convince my hubby to move there!
Work-wise, banana-bender land sounds like the better option, but the West Coast is sure worth exploring 😀
January 15th, 2008 at 12:41
[…] The village had its charms. At least until the smoking ban came in. But the ban means that you can no longer choose your company. We all have to share the same campfire—a wood-burning stove in the pub courtyard—and it turns out that the people gathering there are not of my tribe. There is only one topic of conversation. No matter that you’re talking to someone else at the time, sooner or later someone will bellow drunkenly, “Where’re you’re from?“. […]
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