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January 21, 2005

Hilltrek day 1

A few days after arriving in hanoi it was time to go on a three day trek to see hll tribes in the jungle west of Hanoi. There are over 53 different tribes in Vietnam with different dialects spread over different areas the length and breadth of Vietnam. The first we were going to see were the flower people named after the clother they wore which were highly decorated and all hand made in the villages.
After a three hour bus journey firstly through Hanoi early morning motorbike traffic jams (100m of bikes queueing for traffic lights and maybe 20 wide) and then out onto a single lane highway which wound its way higher into the mountains. Lunch was in a small village (Mychaw)and we were then dropped off at a path end with loads of water and a guide.
We walked for around three hours up rough tracks and dirt roads through a very hilly and mountainous region untill we came across a small village nestling in a steep sided valley. This was the one of the flower people villages where we were to spend the night. Accomodation was basic in a large dorm type room with 13 beds and a fire in the middle. It was a thatched cottage really with smoke disappearing through the roof somewhere. Food was good and plentiful with everyone eating their fill. Toilets were basic and showers non existant but we had been warned of this.
Before dark we went for a walk through the village which was basic with even the rice being ground with granite wheels for cooking etc.
We then had a good night playing cards and getting a carryout from the local store. Nick and me went down through the village to what seemd a local house and bought a few beer for after dinner. This was after a few glasses of rice wine. Anyone who had drank Poteen will know what its like.
Sleep came quickly.

Posted by billymcn on January 21, 2005 06:34 AM
Category: Vietnam
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