stop and stare
“Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you’re here not there
And you’d give anything to get what’s fair
But fair ain’t what you really need
Oh, can you see what I see”
-One Republic Lyrics
I just got home from school. It’s 6:30 pm and I’ve never stayed this late. Bella, one of the Korean teachers, was a total sweetheart and volunteered to drive me home since I had to stay. I guess the office usually closes at six but I stuck around until 6:15 pm. Tomorrow the mothers of the kids in Bristol, my class of flying monkeys, are coming to observe me. They will sit in a room with their eyes fixed on me and their OWN child ready to critique; claws out and teeth snarling.
I brought Bristol into Cambridge’s class today so we could watch how they do show and tell. It was helpful to see how another teacher does it. After Bristol finished their turn, my partner-teacher, Eunice, said, “This is not good to watch.” And she was right. They are so less disciplined than Cambridge.
And that’s the story of how show and tell has been eliminated from tomorrow’s curriculum.
Honestly, when I went back into the teacher’s room by myself my eyes were tearing. I haven’t cried in a long time. Not from falling on my elbow like an idiot when jogging at home this summer – TWICE! Not from having the airport mess up my flight back to AZ. Not for being alone in a new country. Not for mixing up my bus. Not for missing the people I love most in the world. (Ok I once teared when I heard “Silver Bells” because I knew for the first time in my life I would not be home for Christmas. But that wasn’t crying. Glassy eyes.)
Here’s the deal. The mothers kind of “run things.” And apparently each class has their leader mom (or moms) who basically threatens the school that she will remove her child and that everyone else will follow her example. Nice, huh? Many things get done this way. A new playground is being put up (that’s positive) but they changed American movie time (which is only up to 25 min. right after lunch) because ONE parent complained.
Ironically in Bristol I was told that JJ and Philip’s mothers are the really critical ones. JJ and Philip happen to be two of my biggest ADHD cases and have been sent out to into the hallway several times. So this should certainly be interesting.
When I was told the parents would be coming a week or so ago, John (who hired me) and Ellie(vice director) told me it was this huge deal. If the parents didn’t like what I was doing they would keep coming back to complain until they were satisfied. The school is a business and of course they have to do best to keep their customers happy. However today Ellie saw me rushing around, preparing my lesson, and told me not to stress. The Korean teachers were very caring. It was quite sweet.
I wasn’t stressing. Well just for a little while and then it passed. But when I was stressed I’m sure it showed in my eyes. Luckily I have a little runny nose so I was able to tissue that up just fine. Most of it was rushing around because I had so much to do!! Allow me to explain.
To impress the parents I assumed the role of Queen of Crafts. I am literally making 20 lamenated paper dolls. The students will dress the dolls so that means 20 pairs of pants (lamenated of course) with velcro attached to them. (I had to make one of myself to demonstrate.) I also made shoes and shirts, as well as an actual lamenated picture of each student’s head.
Why am I writing in the present tense about these dolls I have made? Oh well maybe because THEY AREN’T FINISHED! Tonight’s party will not feature soju (a strong rice alcohol which Korea is known for) but a glue gun and lots of paper dolls. It’s gonna be a doozy! BYOS – Bring your own scissors. *Boom boom chish*
Why this activity? Well, we are starting a new story about getting dressed. Normally I would just print out colorful pictures and draw on the board but not this time!
The story goes something like:
“Getting dressed is what I like the best”
“because I can do it all by myself”
“Look I am putting on my trousers” (not that anyone actually says trousers… well maybe in England?)
“Blah blah blah…”
“Look I’m putting on my socks” (only I made shoes – sorry kids.)
“yada yada yada…”
“Look I’m putting on my shirt”
And probably to my horror
“Look I’m putting a crayon in my nose and a chair on my head. Look at me!!”
Because of the way we pick up the children in the morning with the buses and because we usually have to leave the school by 5:15 pm, we can’t really go early or stay late to catch up on any work that can’t be done at home or during breaks. Unfortunately today I had two after school classes so that took up a lot break time. (I have one afternoon class on Monday and now one on Friday has been added. But that’s not really important right now.)
Before I left, Ellie had me look at the TV the parents will be watching. Cambridge is not too bad about sitting in their seats. They actually listen to me for the most part. Roy is usually the only one who likes to wander around. (Roy for the record, is so goofy and sweet that he doesn’t actually make you mad.)
Today one of my Cambridge kids said, “Teacher I’m hot.” I replied, “Well take off your jacket.” And of course EVERY kid who had a jacket on took theirs off and walked to their locker. Monkey see monkey do. That can’t happen tomorrow because it doesn’t look good.
As we fast-forwarded through the class I laughed because if you watched the children’s hands they were fiddling like crazy. We also learned a song about an owl and acted it out, dancing around the room. It was pretty funny really. Here are the words (in some funny British accent):
“Here’s a wise old owl
with two fluffy ears
a pointed beak
and claws so clear
She sits in a tree
and looks at you
Then she flaps her wings
and says whoo whoo
chrorus: whoo whooooooooo, whoo whoooooooooo” (Repeat)
I know you’re thinking, “Well I don’t believe this sh*t.” That goes out to my Scary Movie 3 fans… you know who you are. And you’d better be laughing! Seriously though, who ever thought I would be doing something like this??!! Funny the places life takes you.
And now to spread even more cheese…
I called this post “stop and stare” because that’s what you have to do sometimes. (That and I’m really liking this new song.)
Amidst all the hustle and bustle in life you have to stop and think. Look around you. And appreciate whatever it is that has been thrown at you. Life isn’t always fair but you need to deal with it nonetheless.
Lately I have been having these little moments of happiness out of nowhere. Just because. You know those times when you feel like right now, at this very moment, I am truly happy.
Monday was especially rewarding and I wish I had blogged about it then.
On Monday, Cambridge was good. Not much of a shock.
On Monday, Bristol was good. I was giddy.
And talked about it with all the teachers and Ellie.
I feel like I am bonding with the students and I think things like this just take time. Learning takes time. Learning to teach takes time. And I’m ok with that now. I had forgotren that today when I was disappointed in Bristol and in myself. Patience. From them and from me.
So all of you, please take a moment each day to stop and stare.
Tags: Travel
dude those kids are sooo cute, i don’t know what the problem is LOL!! no i am sure they are so bad. who are the bad ones from the pictures.
A bad kid and a badly behaved kid are two different things. I still have yet to believe there is such a thing as a bad kid. Each one of those kids is a total sweetheart… just a little out of focus from time to time. Johann for example, just wanders around really bc he wants to look and learn. I had to make him leave the class one day. it was sad because it was the same day he brought me a flower (a dandelion – beautiful to me!) I’m bonding with them. Don’t worry – I plan to talk about each kid individually. =0) Keep on writing!
Which one is Johann. tell me the names starting from the top. when i worked at the preschool here i used to love the “badly behaved” kids. they were always my favorite. all the kids knew they were allowed to do whatever they wanted when i was around. i usually didn’t care as long as it wasn’t something that someone would get hurt. otherwise whatever, let them do what they want LOL! but that may get a little out of control. you jsut have to find some happy medium. they can’t always be strapped down.
Johann who gave me the flower is number seven. I think he really will wander around in a forest very soon. haha. I still have to do the photo captions. I know I know.