BootsnAll Travel Network

Back to the Ocean

So I’m back in Morocco. Not a bad first morning. When I woke up this morning, I heard Meera in the kitchen of the surf school. Nora is normally the lady who looks after the place but they bring Meera in when there is a big meal to be prepared and she always makes sure there is food around. So I got a typical Moroccan breakfast including the mint tea and the freshly squeezed orange juice just before I went off to surf and chill on the beach. When I got back I had lunch and went back to sleep. Not really in the mood to be constructive.

Switzerland was really relaxing and I still can’t thank Shaheed and Fatie enough for their hospitality. Everyone remarks (actually more like hand signals) on how dik [thick] I got. And how my tan is gone. And how big my hair is. Moroccans aren’t really tactful.

My last night in Switzerland was pretty weird because the tannie [lady] next door invited us for tea but because Fatie was sick, Shaheed had to look after the kids and I ended up having tea alone with an 83 year old granny who couldn’t speak English. We got by though and I got to see the inside of a Swiss home at least. She gave me some cake that was kak sour; like really fucken sour. I told her that I had eaten a big supper and wouldn’t be able to finish the cake. Then I tried to figure out how I was going to eat a couple of more bites while keeping a straight face. So when she went to the next room to fetch some photos I took my gap and bit a huge chunk.

I know what you’re thinking but there was nowhere to dump the shit because Swiss keep their houses so neat and the shutters closed. So I figured I had to get it over and done with while I could pull a face. When she came back in the room, my eyes were tearing but I think I managed to keep a straight face. She put down the album and started to eat her piece. She poured sugar on it first. It was then that I realised what she had been telling me in French when she gave me the cake. It wasn’t too bad once I poured sugar all over the cake.

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One Response to “Back to the Ocean”

  1. Teepee For My Bunghole » Blog Archive » By Popular Demand Says:

    […] Yep, unfortunately I do not plan to update this blog anymore. I might get a new one in the future but you could always start the beginning and read it from scratch or read some of my favourite posts here and here or here. […]

  2. Posted from United States United States

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