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March 03, 2004

The first trip of the year

Well, it looks like for my first "big" trip (i.e. one where I leave the state) I'll be heading to Las Vegas this weekend for a bachelor party. Nick, my friend from way-back-when, is getting married in April, but due to some Bartenders' Convention, Nick chose to go 6 weeks earlier, and from Sunday thru Wednesday so he could attend (Nick owns a bar in Chicago. Never seen it, but my sources are somewhat reliable).

As far as I know, the other attendees include (best friend to me, best man to Nick) Brian, Joe, Markie, and me, although there are rumors of other people showing up unannounced (Andy? Gavin? Wayne Newton?). Not sure where we're staying (that is, I forgot) or how I'm getting to Sin City from the West Coast, but I should find out in the next few days, especially since I'll be leaving in the next few days. Funny how that works...

I'm looking forward to this trip for several reasons: to spend time with friends I've known half my life and never get to see; to see Vegas, a city I love to visit, but can't visit for too long; to take 3 days off from work; to spend a little time playng video poker (the one game I can play for hours and come out ahead at). And knowing these guys, we won't be sleeping much, except by the pool. That is, if our hotel has a pool...

This trip will be too short and busy to write about from the road, so I'll post a few pix or write more about it when I get back. I'll also put a more official entry on the FP site later this month. Wish me luck!

Posted by dave prine on March 3, 2004 11:13 PM
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