Well, I Thought…
I was flying to Socotra, but some weirdness happened and I was not on the plane. I had to buy first class tickets because the flight was so full or so they told me in Dubai. So, after checking in early, I went to the first class lounge (sounds better than it is). A half hour before the flight I was instructed to go downstairs. I sat in a group of mostly women who looked Somalia so I assumed they were headed to Socotra (oddly, I have only seen three women with their faces showing yet here I found about twenty not only without headdress, but some were also wearing jeans… where on earth did they come from???). I was at a gate – the only gate as far as I can tell – until when my flight was suppose to leave. During that half hour I only heard “Dubai” called, I never saw another group of people and I never heard “Socotra” called. Then a guy comes up to me and says “Socotora” and I pick up my carry-on. He frowns and tells me that the flight has left. What? He scolds me for just sitting there and tells me they had called it ten times. I am not sure where the planeful of passengers was ever located, how I could miss hearing the yelled announcements or how a bus left the gate to go to the plane without me seeing it fill and depart. Very weird. Also, they had yanked my bag already and handed it to me yet it was still two minutes before takeoff. All I can think is that when they told me to go downstairs, the plane had already been loaded and the announcements were already over! So, Plan B… Yemenia Air issued me new tickets to the eastern part of the country and I will go enjoy the desert and oases instead. Another flight tomorrow morning and you bet I will skip the first class lounge. Socotra will have to wait until another year.
Tags: Mideast, yemen
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