Moments (Again) by Luis Jorge Borges
March 31st, 2008It was about a year ago that I met Nogah from Israel in Argentina. I received an email from her today and I am sure we will get together in Jerusalem in May. In the meantime, I remembered the great poem by Borges called Moments that Nogah showed me and that I had put on this site a year ago. I have been struggling a bit on this leg of the trip mainly because I keep wondering about what I am doing and going to do with my future and I keep wondering if I am suppose to be back in Africa with Pamela and worrying about a future there. So, it was good to re-read the following and try to stop all the damn worrying!!! Along with me there are so many people in my life worrying themselves silly so I decided to re-print this one because we can all use a little dose of it even if just for a little chuckle over the ice cream and beans bit…