BootsnAll Travel Network

Flipper and Me

Another monumental day with nature today. I am in Zanzibar staying at the north end of the island at a beach resort. Went out snorkeling today and our boat came upon a school of bottlenose dolphins. I was swimming with dolphins for about thirty minutes and about six of them came close enough to touch. It took all the control I had not to touch them. I have had some close calls with dolphin pods in Hawaii, but nothing compares to this one. I looked down on a few about forty feet below on the sandy bottom and they turned vertical and started coming up right at me. I waved in case they didn’t see me (of course they did!). I swam under water with a few and seeing one look at me and acknowledge my presense was so cool! It was such a good day snorkeling and we were also treated to a second swim with dolphins. Most of the time they were going our speed due to diving and surfacing, but a few flew past so incredibly fast. Like lightning… All together now…

They call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning,
No-one you see, is smarter than he,
And we know Flipper, lives in a world full of wonder,
Flying there-under, under the sea!
Everyone loves the king of the sea,
Ever so kind and gentle is he…


-1 responses to “Flipper and Me”

  1. Pam Waddington says:

    Too cool! AND you know the Flipper theme song!

  2. Julie says:

    Wow…another great mini adventure. That is just wild. Sounds like you have had a good week recovering from Uganda. And now it’s off to visit a few gorillas!! Say Hi for me. Love you and think of you so often. Miss not hearing your voice. All is well here, Mom, Bill, Scott,Jill. Keep the notes coming. Love,Julie

  3. Terry & DiAnn says:

    Rick, that’s wonderful. I’m sure the dolphins loved you too.

  4. Lorelei says:

    Hi Rick,

    I enjoy reading your adventures and comments about your travels. Had the final farewell party for all x-NLC employees on Friday, July 28. It was good to see so many people. Missed you but you’re having too much fun. A little gossip – Tom Mader “resigned” last week. He was out the door before they finally closed us down.

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