Bankrupt Society? I Need Help!
I think I have discovered my first bankrupt society here in Bacu. The place is driving me nuts. I know a few of you absolutely love this place and if you have the time, please let me know what I am not seeing or understanding. I am tired of the hustle. Hustle… more like whoring. There is a hustle in every country and I am not so tender to think that is the issue. The issue here is the hustle coming from everyone and usually for nothing. Kids and adults asking for money just because. Prostitutes absolutely hassling me. I was warned about this one, but this is extreme. I know some of you come in groups or are single women and you may not have been accosted as much as a single male. For instance, ever have a cleaning lady at your hotel room ask you if you want to have sexo? How about the owner of the casa particulare (private home that has rooms for rent) ask you if you want a woman? He also made it clear to me that I was not to bring home any babies – 18 or older only. Yuck! They come running down the street to sell their bodies. Lots of men telling you that they can take you to a chica. How about the guys that think they are the only ones with cigars – the real ones. The Bearded One (for now on TBO) is either stupid as can be because so many of the real ones are stolen or he is just scamming all the scam artists with his own black market. I do not know and I don’t care. I don’t see a lot of laughing here. The country seems miserable. They openly bitch about how bad it is or they deflect your direct questions. Take me back to Africa where people have souls, are truly friendly, love you as a fellow human being and where the kids beg for pens so they can do their schoolwork. Culturally, this place also seems bankrupt. It’s either about 200 year history or the Revolution of 49 years ago. I look around and ask what the hell good did the revolution do for you. I’m sure Batista was a horrible dictator, but is this really any better? Great healthcare and education? I am so suspect about what qualifies as “great”. I see people getting very little good food, eating tons of sugar and drinking an unbelievable amount of alcohol. Since sugar is their main crop and is fairly worthless on the world market given the competition and lack of US market, I fully understand why the government pushes sugar foods and alcohol. This is all so twisted. You should see what crap is being sold at the vegetable stands. The rest of Latin America as poor as it is swimming in delicious and fresh fruits and vegetables. I was invited this evening into an old man’s home because he was excited about where I am from. Gives me a big kiss. Turns out he is a drunk trying to get me to come to dinner for money and then he asks me for money just because when I tell him that I need to go to eat at the place I am staying. This place is wrecked and I am not sure there is anything anyone can do to put it back together again. I do have to wonder if this started 49 years ago or if this is an illness that started long before.
I challenge all of the fans of Bacu to help me find what I am missing. Being one that always finds the best in others, I am challenged like never before.
Tags: bacu, Travel
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