Camcorder Zombie
Wednesday, April 18th, 2007I’ve been carrying around the dead camcorder for a month periodically trying it to see if it would worlk. Of course, it doesn’t. Today I bought two screwdrivers to pry it apart to get the tape out which I believe is a goner because last time I looked it had water in the tape cartridge. I decided before performing the surgery that I would try it one more time and I attached the battery. I turned it on and the light actually came on. I went further and it twanted to me to enter the date and time. Further and it told me to push a reset button. Reset button? Sure enough there is a tiny reset button and when I pushed it with a pen, the thing leaped back to life. I’m not 100% convinced it is OK, but it does play back and it does record. So I guess the lesson to be learned is that next time your electronic device goes for a swim, wait a lot longer than you would ever imagine waiting and then see if it works. And if not, wait even longer. This must be a good day for me. And it is, like they all have been lately and that’s why you have heard little from me. I will try to remedy that this evening because I certainly have a few things to write about. Go Panasonic PV-GS300 camcorder!!!!!