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Archive for July, 2006

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Hello Ellie!

Monday, July 10th, 2006

An “Ellie” is elephant in British English.  I have had a few close calls with them so far.  The first occured at Lake Manyara N.P. in Tanzania.  The truck in front of us was close to a family and most of the family cut across the road to get to more food (the life of an elephant basically consists of eating).  There was a very young one and as they moved closer to us in the second truck a situation arose where the first truck was between the small one and a very large one.  That’s not a good situation and the big elephant started to charge the first truck.  Both guides through the trucks in reverse as the elephant attacked.  A charge is basically a run at the intruder with the elephant shaking its head and trumpeting its trunk.  We were all a bit shaken up and I was reminded that I had been within ten feet of elephants the day before in Tarangire N.P. when the guide decided we were too close.  I got a photo of the charging elephant, but it was over-exposed due to lack of time to adjust.  Maybe that makes the encounter have that much more meaning.

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Beauty and the Beasts

Monday, July 10th, 2006

So I am learning a lot about beauty as I have said in a previous posting.  What strikes me most about the African women that I have seen is how they carry themselves.  These folks are very proud people.  The women are dressed up in the most brilliantly colorful outfits that I have ever seen.  They make the Indian women’s outfits look plain and drab (I can’t wait to get to India to see what’s brewing there!).  But there is much moe to it than the clothes.

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Roar of the Lion, Silence of the Leopard, Purr of the Cheetah

Monday, July 10th, 2006
Now that I am half way through the safari portion of my trip (by the way, I discovered on my plane trip to Zambia that I had a one day hole in my trip and so I am spending that ... [Continue reading this entry]

Coming Home

Monday, July 10th, 2006

Within days of being in Africa (disclaimer - this continent is huge and I am taking great liberties when I talk about Africa and almost as great liberties when I talk about any single country given that I am only ... [Continue reading this entry]