BootsnAll Travel Network

Home Sweet Brissie

It is great to be back in Brisbane after my long journey up the coast. It seems that there are some job prospects here. I saw signs in several cafes and a Starbucks (which would be neat because it is a global chain). I had the most artery-clogging breakfast I think I have ever had. It was called “The Power Brekkie” and consisted of 2 eggs, 2 sausages, a pile of Aussie bacon, two hasbrowns with ketchup and two pieces of toast with butter smeared on them. I saw several people drinking beer with their breakfast which was quite interesting! I chose orange juice. But they put ice in it which I thought was odd. They don’t like to put ice in their water…but they like it watering down their juice. Hm.

I needed that big breakfast because I am continuing my job search. It is tough to get into that kind of mode after having been on pre-planned tours for the past few weeks. Hopefully I can get my resume together and printed (they say it “resh-um-ay” which makes me want to laugh). I’ll keep you posted on the job hunt.


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