Gloom On A Sunny Day
How on earth can I have a cold when it is sunny and tropical outside?! Ugh. There is nothing worse than that. Last night I just layed on my bed watching Anchorman for the fifteenth time on my iTouch, blowing my nose and sneezing every other minute. With every sneeze I cursed those Irish people who must have given me the cold on Fraser Island. Or maybe it was the fact that I absolutely froze the first night because I only had a sleepsheet. Oh well. All I know is that it does not help my case in the job search to go up to the counter with my red nose and droopy eyes and ask in a muddled voice if there are any openings.
I walked through the Queen Street Mall (as I do everyday on my trek to the library across the river) and there were TONS of people. They have an event called ROMP today and it is extremely popular. The people who were on microphones were saying that there were over 10,000 people signed up to participate in the part-race-part-scavenger hunt that takes them all around the city. Some of the teams had outrageous costumes. I watched a pack of smurfs pass by followed by a band of pirates. Maybe if I weren’t all stuffed up I would be interested in participating. But I have to be near a bathroom all the time so that I can be ready for those fantastic uncontrolled sneeze explosions.
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