Lessons on Life, Vol. 1
After three months of traveling, I’ve come to the conclusion that what makes a trip really worthwhile has very little to do with the places you go, and has everything to do with the people you meet. Sure, I’ve seen and done some really amazing things, but take my time in Taiwan as an example. If you’ve seen one or two temples, you’ve pretty much seen them all. Some are larger and more spectacular than others, but when it comes right down to it, a temple is a temple. And I suppose a pub is a pub too, but the things I’ll remember most are talking with the Taiwanese rockers and playing Liar’s Dice with my new friends who spoke almost no English. Turns out, the things I’m enjoying most while traveling are the are the same things that make me happy when I’m at home: hanging out with my friends, hiking, listening to live music, eating good food, etc. I guess the difference now is that because I’m “on holiday” as they say, I don’t have to worry about making the time to do all these things. So I guess the lesson is, holiday or not, take the time to do the things you enjoy. Try leaving the office on time for once, letting the laundry wait until tomorrow, and enjoying today.
Tags: Random Thoughts, Travel, Tag Index