long time listener, first time caller
Monday, December 12th, 2005Well, here I am. Attempting my first blog. This is only slightly less scary than the round-the-world trip I am about to embark on. Who in their right mind would want to read the random thoughts of a mid 30’s white guy from Eugene, Oregon? But seeing as how I make a living as a computer geek, I guess it’s the right thing to do.
So what’s my story, you ask? Well, I’ve lived in Eugene for 37 years, spent the last five working for the local state university. I’ve been looking to move out of Eugene for some time, but until recently wasn’t really ready to bite that bullet. Now that I’m finally fully vested in my employer’s generous retirement plan, I decided it was time to take the money and run. 🙂
Before I go off and get settled in some new career in some new city, I figure I owe it to myself to get out and see some of the world. Two things have been on my to-do list for some time: I have some very good friends that have been living in Dunedin, New Zealand for the last seven years so I’ve been wanting to go and visit them. And last year I read a great article about climbing Mt. Kilimajaro and decided I should do that as well. Once I put those two things together and shook them up a bit, out came a RTW trip.
The only thing I know for sure at this point is that I leave SFO for Auckland on March 3, 2006. The rest is still somewhat up in the air. But here’s the general plan:
San Francisco – Auckland – SE Asia – Bahrain – Africa – Europe – New York
Now that I’m here I’ll try to stop by often.