Global Village
Two of my goals for this RTW trip:
1. Find a way to “give back” by donating some of my time and energy to a worthwhile cause
2. Stay off of the tourist track and immerse myself in the local cultures as much as possible.
I’ve found what I think is the perfect way to accomplish both of these. My first stop will be Manukau, New Zealand, where I’ll meet up with a group of 12-14 others to help build houses for those who need a decent, affordable place to live.
As a part of Habitat for Humanity’s Global Village program, I’ll work alongside the locals, get to learn the culture, and have the opportunity to explore the region as well.
HFH New Zealand has a partnership with a local Maori tribe and the New Zealand government. Land is provided by the Maori tribe, and Habitat and the Government share in providing the funds to build the houses. HFH New Zealand also has a “house for a house” tithe policy where, for every house built in the country, a like amount is sent to a developing country.
Check out my HFH page to learn more. And, if you’re so inclined, drop a couple bucks in the hat too. Although I’m financing this RTW trip myself, I am looking for sponsors to help offset the cost of my participation in the Global Village program. And check it out: HFH is a charitable organization, so your donations may be tax-deductible! Every little bit helps, and it’s such a worthwhile cause, so please pass it on to everyone you know.
See you down under!
Tags: Habitat for Humanity, Maori, New Zealand, Travel, Volunteering, Tag Index